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  1. sonic kiwi

    Potency and taste- final feed

    OK, to qualify responces as in BS, try it. It works for me. As for dumping sugars- what is OsMOSis and 2 weeks grown naturally stresses plants and the flavour tastes good to me. As for citric acid? ummmmmm, isn't that forcing/stressing and yet flavour? Isn't natural occuring sugars ie raw sugar...
  2. sonic kiwi

    Potency and taste- final feed

    Depends, my plants (approx 20 ltrs- in soil) 1 ltr with approx 2 table spoons of raw sugar mixed with warm water. Sativa responds better to natural sugar, less stretch and more nodes
  3. sonic kiwi

    Potency and taste- final feed

    I was referfing to brown sugar as a simple way of natural molasses, as for concentrated pinapple juice-- 50/50 with water. 2 weeks from (soil) harvest, stress ithe plant into producing its own sugars through 'osmosis' ie sugars, when the 'hairs' turn brown they are ripe and ready. AU NAUTRAL
  4. sonic kiwi

    Reporting live from North Korea!!! soil??

    WHO CARES, FREE THE WEED, Gday to N.Korea, America will probably nuke you then stand down wind, whoops se daisy (did I say that out loud)
  5. sonic kiwi

    Potency and taste- final feed

    My original thread was relating to potency and taste. I have no proof that mollasses are stronger 'forcing' buds osmosis pattern. Pinapple juice is as good as mollasses but with flavour, Mango/ papaya etc etc. Similar to having cinnimon sticks in the curing stage of jars. What pineapple does...
  6. sonic kiwi

    Outdoor spots what to look for and what not to

    Look for natural growing grass ie blackberry, gorse etc. Gorse has natural nitrogen and phosperus without watering nutes. Depending on your plant ie sat or indy, hide and seek indy's are your best bet with a small pot but more feeding. Sorry- forgot the question (Stoned on KIWI) jAH
  7. sonic kiwi

    Potency and taste- final feed

    Hate to break your bubble mate, but here goes anyway-- It's New Zealands summer right now and we grow au natural. As for 'not giving plants essential minerals ie magnesium blah blah blah, try blood and bone BONER. I've been grown weed for the last 30 years 'sherlock', actually as for molases...
  8. sonic kiwi

    Potency and taste- final feed

    2 weeks before final harvest, I feed my plants pure pineapple juice/water (5/50). The natural sugars in pineapple juice forces more osmosis into overload. The taste depending on the weed has a subtle peach taste. The natural organic sugars force the flowers to swell before dying. Beware of ants...
  9. sonic kiwi

    auto-flowering strains outdoors

    Simple question deservers a simple answer: depending on your weather outdoors, if it's not too windy- sunny and humid I'd recommend Onyx. I've grown Onynx outdoors in a sheltered environment, huge buds and happy/spaced stone. Outdoors in kiwi lands summer they've taken 14-15 weeks to fully...
  10. sonic kiwi

    best autoflowers and where to get 'em

    Hi, I live in New Zealand and at the moment it's our summer. I bought ONYX from short stuff and my plants are booming from an outdoor grow. Onyx stretch but pack massive buds. I'm more than happy with onyx. From 10 seeds 8 germinated and six are females.
  11. sonic kiwi

    has anybody ordered from single marijuana seeds canada

    Just wondering if anyone out there has ordered seeds from 'single marijuana seeds Canada' outside Canada and if they received the seeds. I pretty keen on ordering 5 seeds of a few different strains. Particularly if your from OZ or NZ, cheers