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  1. N

    My first grow .. alll advice welcome :)

    by the looks of it you think its sativa or indica and theres no real stench going on yet so idk if its something i should worry about
  2. N

    My first grow .. alll advice welcome :)

    Hey everyone this is my first grow ... im about a month and some change into flowering i got the seeds from from some shit i smoked thought it was good so i went ahead n gave it a try good thing is it turned out to be a female its currently under 250 hps im usin dyna bloom3-12-6 im a...
  3. N

    New jersey is now officiallyt he garden state!!!!!!

    woot woot its legal wouldnt they have to lower it from felony down to misdeamor or will it be like mass only a 100 summons under an ounce ?
  4. N

    my first grow!questions and pics :)

    nvm foudn the thread for toping thanks!
  5. N

    my first grow!questions and pics :)

    ok i dont know much about topping ive read into cloning but ive never heard of toping can someone tell me ? any vids on this ? also one thing i hear people talkin about is something about cutting some leaves off so it concentrates more on top of the plant or something like that once...
  6. N

    my first grow!questions and pics :)

    well since i had only one plant i thought 26w= 100 watt cfl would be fine but ill upgrade to something more powerful thanks you think u have an idea of the sex or should i just wait it out ?
  7. N

    my first grow!questions and pics :)

    hey all well this is my first grow got lucky found a seed in the bud i was smoking and i decided hey let give it a try i know the basics to growing and im not sure if its a female or not. well it's name is fluffy lol and its been growing for about month well i wanna continue to grow some...
  8. N

    Welcome New Members!

    heya im new here just started growing hope to show you guys some pics soon :)