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  1. B

    Crazy high energy bill

    no i am running a 400w bulb w/ a 600w system currently because i couldn't find a 6. but the manuel said that was fine
  2. B

    Crazy high energy bill

    I have been paying my energy bill. I am freezing in my house because i don't ever run the heater. I am running them 24hrs but still this is to crazy. My set up is just the 600w light reflector w/ 400w mh bulb connected to the ballast which is plugged in to the wall . What is going on here?
  3. B

    Crazy high energy bill

    I am running a 600w hps/mh lighting system. I currently got a 400w mh bulb in there and am curious why my energy bill would be $326. Usually the bill is anywhere between 80 and 100. I know i am doing something wrong because from what i have read it should have only gone up maybe $50. Please...