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  1. E

    First Time Grow/Mystery Seed

    Hey I am doing somthing similar. Good Luck
  2. E

    First Grow (cfl)

    Here is a link to a vid of my plants with better light. They are easier to see. Any Ideas?:leaf:
  3. E

    First Grow (cfl)

    Hey thanks! I have been raising bamboo for about 10 years. This indoor thing is all new to me.
  4. E

    LED Grow Lights: Separating Fact from Fiction

    Thanks for saving me $300!bongsmilie
  5. E

    First Grow (cfl)

    Hi, I am growing these plants as a learning experience. I started with 15 bag seeds. I germinated them in peat pellets then planted them. I am using a local organic potting soil enhanced with extra vermiculite, pearlite, and worm castings. 9 plants made the cut to this point. I have not used any...
  6. E

    Split Trunk

    Ok thanks, I will just hope its a female.
  7. E

    Split Trunk

    Hi, I am new to this site and growing MMJ. Please tell me what you know. I planted a seed (bagseed) and it grew like this. If it is a female and I clone it will all the plants do this? If it is a male can I crossbreed it to include this trait? Thanks in advance for your help! Tags: Clone...