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  1. Allupinurmom

    If your ever in A2 hit me up

    If your ever in A2 hit me up
  2. Allupinurmom

    I smoke that good shit!

    I smoke that good shit!
  3. Allupinurmom

    Did this guy F*** me over?

  4. Allupinurmom

    Need help please, it may be too late!

    Too much water! You should try to find some clones so you don't have to deal with trying to figure out if it's a male or not.
  5. Allupinurmom

    WTF happened to my plant?!?! :(

    It looks like they just need water. It's normal for some of the fan leaves to fall off later in flower.
  6. Allupinurmom

    What lighting do you Perfer, HPS, T5 or CFL?

    You can get vented shades and ghetto rig a floor fan to a 6" duct so it pulls air threw the shade. That will keep your room cool and you can put a 600k or higher bulb in there and not worrie about the heat.
  7. Allupinurmom

    Ebb anf flow vs recirculating dwc

    DWC is the way to go if you want big ass plants!
  8. Allupinurmom

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Your roots in that couple of pics don't look very healthy, there might be a root rot problem.
  9. Allupinurmom

    im haveing problems with my bubble cloner

    My clones are just about dead by the time it starts to show roots. It there something out there that will speed up the rooting process? Or am I doing something wrong? I'm using a rubbermaid container with air stones and plugs up top, I'm filling it with distilled water and that's it. Any...
  10. Allupinurmom

    276w of CFL's

    Your plants would be soo much bigger if you were using a hps bulb.