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  1. M

    Is it too late to Top the plant?

    just being cautious if there will be enough time in these up coming 2 months to recover and start flowering?
  2. M

    Is it too late to Top the plant?

    I have all of august and septemberish until the weather here starts getting kinda cold/crappy . just want to be sure before i do so, and should i wait another week for it to grow before i top it?
  3. M

    Is it too late to Top the plant?

    This photo is about 6-7 weeks old, I started an outdoor grow abit late due to seed germinations not going as planned. Its early august, so I was wondering it its safe to top this plant now to possibly get more bud sites for a better yield? The plant in the back of the photo is an Auto that just...
  4. M

    Harvesting pollen sacks

    can anyone give me some pointers onto harvesting pollen from a male plant? recently sexed my plant as male so this season outdoor growing is done as its september already. so i plan on buying femmed seeds for next season and id like to harvest some pollen from the sacks on this plant for next...
  5. M

    Week 8 since it was a seedling, male or female? or too early to tell?

    Oh totally man, its a great learning experience for myself. i was a little worried a few weeks back with the plant because we had a storm that came through with 85mph winds, i was shocked the plant was not stressed from it. However i do have another question, i water this plant thursday morning...
  6. M

    Week 8 since it was a seedling, male or female? or too early to tell?

    so its official, 2 days go i found these nuggets on one of the branches. it is a male... FUDGE! but its a learning process, so now I do know what I am looking for next year. Question, I did take a cutting over a month ago thats growing well in another pot, is there a chance that could be a...
  7. M

    Week 8 since it was a seedling, male or female? or too early to tell?

    thats what i thought, i did some googling where you can use ethylene but its a very long shot and you end up with a male.female hermi
  8. M

    Week 8 since it was a seedling, male or female? or too early to tell?

    So, im still unsure of the plants sex, however a buddy of mine was saying you can turn a male plant female by cutting of fan leaves.. however i dont believe this, is there anything truth to that statement? if anything it would be both a male/female. ill take pictures tomorrow as an update.
  9. M

    Week 8 since it was a seedling, male or female? or too early to tell?

    Thanks for your input, ill keep this post updated with pics, im gonna continue until i have legit signs of it being a male or female. also have a question, the city recently installed led lighting street lamps in my neighborhood and it completely lights up my back yard a night, will this effect...
  10. M

    Week 8 since it was a seedling, male or female? or too early to tell?

    I did make that mistake on the pistil. i will try and get closer pics. my camera phone wont focus well when im that close to it. ill try tto take more in a minute.
  11. M

    Week 8 since it was a seedling, male or female? or too early to tell?

    8-1-20, week 10 since seedling, she wont stop getting growing and getting taller. I'm sure its a female, i have not seen any pollen sacks what so ever form in the past 11 days. pictures taken this morning.
  12. M

    Week 8 since it was a seedling, male or female? or too early to tell?

    auto or photo? I have not one clue, a buddy of mine had seeds from some highgrade buds he saved and gave them to me.
  13. M

    Week 8 since it was a seedling, male or female? or too early to tell?

    Thanks everyone for the advice, and input. I am starting to see brown hairs on the very lower branches now, the main stem i took pics of is showing signs of hairs coming out. hard to say at this very moment. ill post some pics tomorrow as it raining outside right now.
  14. M

    7weeks still can’t tell m/f

    need closer pics for one.
  15. M

    Week 8 since it was a seedling, male or female? or too early to tell?

    Thanks everyone, Ill post pictures in a few days from now. If it is a male, then im done for the year, as its too late in the year to even attempt another one outside.