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    2 Foot Cola Grown w/ 3-23watt CFL's

    MasterHemp, I love your avatar.
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    moving to california

    Santa Rosa is nice and so is San Jose. I guess Gilroy may be pretty reasonable by Cali standards and the Garlic Festival is always cool. Despite the housing collapse, homes/apartments are still super high compared to most places in the Mid-West or South of the country.
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    moving to california

    No. Anything in that area, where you and your gf will feel safe, will not be resonably priced. I'm a little confused about commuting from LA to Oakland. That's one hell of a drive if that's what you're considering. I'd stick to ths SF Bay area or North of there but it ain't gonna be cheap...
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    Weed Journal... what are some characteristics you would keep?

    There are wine journals which keep track of various wine characteristics for one's later reference. What would be some things you would note if you were keeping a weed journal. BTW, is there already a standard established for judging weed? What are the common traits one could use to...
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    movies high?

    So I Married an Axe Murderer is another oldie. Has anyone ever watched the TV series, Trailer Park Boys? This is one of funiest shows I've ever watched stoned or otherwise.
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    movies high?

    Buckaroo Banzai is an oldie but goodie.
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    OMG - First time vape

    Volcano digital. My wife and I are medical users and we wanted one that was of higher quality. We did a lot of online research and this one was recommended by other medical users. True, they are expensive but they're cheaper than a high quality glass bong. I think the taste was great and if...
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    OMG - First time vape

    Wow, just used a vaporizer for the first time and it was great. Absolutely no coughing or any other unpleasant side-effects from smoking. One of the best :leaf: experiences I've ever had. Try it if you ever get a chance.
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    When to move from my cloning/seedling chamber

    Any suggestions as to when I should move my seedlings out of my seedling chamber (flouresant lights) and into my growing chamber? I'm using a SuperLocker setup with seperate chambers and my seedlings are 6-8 inches tall with a pretty a good root system. Just unsure as to when I should move...
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    Quiet Air Pump

    Is it the vibration noise that's the problem? If so, I'd go to WalMart or a fabric store and get a felt pad for the pump to sit on. Also, make sure there is plenty of room around the pump so that nothing is touching the housing or hoses.
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    Best temp setting for vaporizer

    I'm gonna answer my own post. I found some info on the NORML site and they suggest 365 F (185 C) as optimal temps for getting THC and not getting the harmful chems like benzene and carbon monoxide. Looks like they have done some pretty good research so I think I'll go with their guidelines.
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    Best temp setting for vaporizer

    What's the best temperature setting for weed using a vaporizer? I can find all kinds of info for lavender and other herbs, but not much on the herb I care about.
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    Please help! Sprouting/Drooping problem!

    I'm having a similar problem with my seedlings except I'm growing them hydroponically. They shot up way too fast and as the new leaves came on they weren't able to support their own weight and fell over. I inserted toothpicks into my rockwool cubes and losely tied them with string. On the...
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    Seedlings look great but they're kinda skinny.

    Thanks for the reply widowAG. I've installed a small fan to keep a light breeze blowing over my seedlings and I'm hoping that helps to make them stronger. Like I said, other than the skinny stems they look beautiful. In regards to your suggestions on nutrients, you're probably correct. This is...
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    Seedlings look great but they're kinda skinny.

    This is my first aeroponics grow and everything seems to be going ok but I have a question. Everything is spot on regarding Ph and nutrients but I'm into my third week and the seedlings look too skinny. I've adjusted the height under CFL to about 4 inches and the leaves look great and healthy...
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    Variety suggestions?

    Thanks. That looks like a good candidate.
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    Variety suggestions?

    I just received my new SuperCloset grow locker and was looking for suggestions on my first crop. I'll be growing hydro and have a trellis system to help keep the height under control. Sativas have many of the traits I'm looking for but I'm open to Indica's too. I must have an uplifting high...
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    Digital Grow Journal using Google Docs, Ideas? Suggestions?

    I think this is a great idea. I'd like to download your template to use as a start but I think I'll add a little more technical data collection to my copy. I like keeping track of plant varieties and details such as sativa/indica, Ph levels, light/dark cycles, nutrients and temps. Let us know...