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  1. 300zxfairlady

    My plants just dont like to grow

    overwatering, transplant
  2. 300zxfairlady

    Cfl Harvest Time!

    its been almost 2 years since i checked this thread.. and it is still alive! haha I am prepping for another closet grow. keep watching!
  3. 300zxfairlady

    Outdoor BC kush, ready or not?

    okay, someone tell me whats wrong! Lots of the leaves are turning purple/brown/yellow, A lot of them are drying and curling up, a lot of the buds look like their burned.. But iv NEVER fed these plants nutes before, They were doing AMAZING just a week ago... Weather has been holding up alright...
  4. 300zxfairlady

    Outdoor BC kush, ready or not?

    thanks for the input! Cant wait till they fatten up. Ganna be some goood smoking.. this is my 2nd patch as my 1st patch got either stolen by thieves or taken by cops :( More pics to come.
  5. 300zxfairlady

    Outdoor BC kush, ready or not?

    Have 20 somewhat plants here, Weathers been gettin kinda cold lately.. and rains ganna be hitting hard soon. Should I wait a couple more weeks for em to bulk up? or chop em in a week? any input would be great! bongsmilie
  6. 300zxfairlady

    Hello if you still have your spinpro I would be interested in purchasing it. You can email me at...

    Hello if you still have your spinpro I would be interested in purchasing it. You can email me at Thank you!
  7. 300zxfairlady

    jacked + deers + flood + budrot. a tribute to summer of 08

    So.. I been through a lot this summer from getting jacked to gettin my plants killed by deers/rats. I had my hope on my final patch which ended up flooding and rotting my entire crop of trainwreck clones... shiity hehe. I was actualy so prepared.. spent so much time haualing bales of pro-mix...
  8. 300zxfairlady

    All my babies... stolen

    It was definatly not LEO, it was those kids.. they dug the plants up by the roots and took them to grow somewhere else. Its just retarted.
  9. 300zxfairlady

    All my babies... stolen

    I dont know what to say at the moment.. I just want you outdoor growers to know how much appreciation I have for you guys appreciation for growing outdoors and its dangers from cops to theives.. Today, I took a hit with 200+ plants. I got a call from my buddy who was suposed to go water the...
  10. 300zxfairlady


    50 plants.. Their all in 5 gallon buckets, spread out at around 5-6 per patch. The thing is.. The area is pretty big and its mostly covered by trees except for a small area thats just inherited by bushes which is where im growing at..
  11. 300zxfairlady


    I live in B.C. and no, its not on my property.
  12. 300zxfairlady


    Today while I was working on my patch, a small plane flew over head. I didnt take much notice, but 2 minutes after the plane flew around again this time lower..I quickly ducked into a small bush.. I just moved out 50 clones..and I dont know what to do right now. The aircraft looked like one of...
  13. 300zxfairlady

    B.c. Outdoor Grow 2008

    gettin crowded in here huhh? waiting on the sex now
  14. 300zxfairlady

    B.c. Outdoor Grow 2008

    bahhhhhhhhh long time no update. Question: BC season usualy ends around mid OCTOBER, would I still be able to push out more clones? and if so what do you guys think the AVG yeilds will be for the late clones?:-?
  15. 300zxfairlady

    B.c. Outdoor Grow 2008

    Im definatly hoping for half a pound per plant ahah, but i really doubt I can pull that off. Although i do have a question for you guys.. I am currently using Pro-Mix 4 and Pro-mix 1. I know they are soil-less mixture, and very fluffy might i add. However, Should I be adding and mixing it...
  16. 300zxfairlady

    B.c. Outdoor Grow 2008

    I own a z32. sort of a beater now.. but still runs okay Heres an update of the ladies. May 25th:
  17. 300zxfairlady

    Mexican hybrid weed?

    haha guys check this out: Hybrid marijuana plant found in Mexico - Science - This might be a tad old. But ya think they were growing lowryders?
  18. 300zxfairlady

    THC producing plant that doesnt look like marijuana

    damn jizz, smoke a J or something. im not tryin to steal anything, i just didnt scroll thru 10 pages just to post some information up. Just thought that pics would be nice for people as 90% of people dont know about this strain just by name
  19. 300zxfairlady

    THC producing plant that doesnt look like marijuana

    ....... why not just grow some mutant plants? Its a flower! its a shrub! NO!.... its... MARIJUANA?? Grown in Austrailia. High THC content. Not A.F. Selected mutants were interbred. Many generations. Will aparently be released by Dr. Chronic in the future.. not too sure about it
  20. 300zxfairlady

    Cops or robbers?

    yea i agree aswell,. I wanted to take a shot at this place because I grew in this exact same location for the past 2 years. But i guess I gatta move on..... When i go back today il be brining all my seedlings out. I got another place planned where its waaaaaay safer. ................. and if im...