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  1. S

    Paradise Vertigo AF, DIY Grow Tent

    for the sake of finishing the thread, The final weight on all 5 plants ( second harvest) was 162 g's dry so the total, is 196g's out of 5 plants, under 250w hps .... not bad by my standards, the second harvest tastes allot better, and the high is insane, i will definetly grow vertigos again ...
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    Paradise Vertigo AF, DIY Grow Tent

    Hey man, thx for droping by :) + rep the dry weight for the top buds of all 5 plants is ..... .... ... ... 34 grams :D insanely happy with it, hope to double that with the final harvest , but that will have to wait a bit. update tomorrow, Peace!
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    Paradise Vertigo AF, DIY Grow Tent

    You shed more then a bit of light man, i finaly understood sup with the autos high. thx for sharing your experience, + reps for that ! Thing is ... it's my mistake for cuting the top colas so soon, they were only 49days old,where by the breeder recomends 60 to 70 i belive, but had to do it...
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    Paradise Vertigo AF, DIY Grow Tent

    What i wanted to ask you people .... this is my first time growing autos and my first time smoking autos lol, so was wondering ... how is the smoke of your autos ? i noticed from mine that the smoke does not smell that potent of weed ... i meen it does put out a decent amount of smell ... but...
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    Lowryder Easy Ryder aka Lowryder#2 x ak47

    hey barb's, what up ? sorry i didnt pay any visits lately, been busy :D i did a partial harvest on my girls, just cut off the main collas, come and have a look , delicious stuff :D
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    Paradise Vertigo AF, DIY Grow Tent

    Day 49 update. I went wild last night and ... i choped the main colas of all 5 of my girls. got a wet weight of 112 grams, so i'm hoping for about 30-35 grams dry weight, we will see. i've built a custom dryer for them, from a bathroom extraction fan and a bigger box. From what is left in...
  7. S

    Paradise Vertigo AF, DIY Grow Tent

    Dear folks ..... i choped one of the small branches , dryed it super super fast and smoked it .... IT FKIN KILLER ! its crazy .... magnificent high, magnificent taste and potency . Man this leaves me wondering how good will it be in 20 days :O ahhh fkit, to high to type or think right now ...
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    Paradise Vertigo AF, DIY Grow Tent

    If i take for granted what the breader says , i should chop them somewhere in the range of 60-70 days, but who knows, maybe they will go less maybe more :-?? so they have about 2 more weeks to go i guess .... Man, you cant wait for the smoke report .... i cant wait to SMOKE them lol, they are...
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    Paradise Vertigo AF, DIY Grow Tent

    Day 44 (week 6 and 2 days from seed ) UPDATE. i'm a little bit tired so .. il let the pictures do the talk. :
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    Paradise Vertigo AF, DIY Grow Tent

    Thx man, first i wanted to go with pandora ... but i had a feeling it might be a super auto kind that grows slow and finishes late so i called it quitter . as for photo plants ... if this vertigo smokes as good as i think it might .... im done with photo's, too long to finish, and all that...
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    Paradise Vertigo AF, DIY Grow Tent

    P.S. happy easter everyone ! Peace !
  12. S

    1st Real Grow Deisel Ryder, Vertigo, and Pandora

    In my opinion, leting them dry off .... is the worst thing you could do . The bacteria in the soil dies off when the soil is dry, the nutes tend to cristalize and so on .... plus, each time they dry and wilt, they are stunted untill they recover ... so where is the advantage ? What i do, is i...
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    Paradise Vertigo AF, DIY Grow Tent

    Hello RIU, this is day 41 update. Thing are going pretty good in Vertigo land, the bitches are fattening up like crazy, atm im hoping to get about 0.4-0.5 gpw. I just bought some bloom nutes, hope it will make a difference, up untill now they only had veg nutes ( biobizz fish mix) + the...
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    1st Real Grow Deisel Ryder, Vertigo, and Pandora

    w00t w00t super nice and super healthy, nice going man
  15. S

    Paradise Vertigo AF, DIY Grow Tent

    thx man :) hardy little plants they are, can belive they are still fatening after what they been through ... im definetly into autos from now on ..... all the photos ive grown till now they barely pushed a few nodes at 38 days old, this ones .... they can even be choped now and smoked lol. i...
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    Paradise Vertigo AF, DIY Grow Tent

    As the title says, day 38 is here :) about 20 to 25 days left till chop down, i can hardly wait for it :X I finaly moved to my new place, so they can grow in peace ! sorry i did not update when i promiced, had a ton of stuff to do so ... had about 0 spare time. also excuse the poor quality...
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    Lowryder Easy Ryder aka Lowryder#2 x ak47

    ohhh i would like me one of those brownies :O:O how is it like ? do you even notice when the high get's you ? must be one hell of a ride :X (thumbs down for eating at McD's mwahahha :P:P)
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    Paradise Vertigo AF, DIY Grow Tent

    Update tomorrow, after i move to my new place. I was thinking .... if this vertigo tastes and yields as good as it looks and grows, i wanna make some seeds... tho i never did such a thing before. what do you people think ? vertigo comes only fem ... if i invert one of them with coloidal silver...
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    1st Real Grow Deisel Ryder, Vertigo, and Pandora

    man, they look good, i'm glad you listened to my advice about the nutes, they dont need that much when they are so small, it is the first time for me also, never grown autos before, but from what i see, when small they like it light. i'm 34 days in and i still dont use full strenght nutes, just...
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    1st Real Grow Deisel Ryder, Vertigo, and Pandora

    hey man, how are the girls doing ? got any updates ?