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  1. HolyGrail

    Germinated seeds in rock wool 130w cfl need help!

    The seed and root structure need to be totally covered. When the leaves are ready they will find their way up to the top. Make sure that the rockwool always has moisture near the seed and root. You also don't need any light at this time. 18/6 will be good once the leaves come out.
  2. HolyGrail

    1st dwc grow going bad

    It looks like you're getting a rapid recovery. Some of those leaves may have been too damaged to come back to life and may fall off like randr said. btw...You haven't shown us the roots yet. Are they healthy?
  3. HolyGrail

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    Awesome Post. Thanks!!
  4. HolyGrail

    turkish420's first ever grow, featuring Subcool's Jack The Ripper!

    That sucks that you had so many males. How many days total were you into it?