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  1. O

    Who are you? a/s/l

    19/m/Nottingham (UK)
  2. O

    Ok, story time! "The worst time I got caught ever"

    You do realise you're supposed to be 18 to join here.:-? anyway... My parents have a BBQ every summer for my step fathers birthday... and a few years back when I was 16.. me and a few friends picked up and got high on a park before heading back to mine for the party. Basically we got in.. and...
  3. O

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    My latest buy was 2oz/55g(approx) for £250. Quality stuff aswell :mrgreen:
  4. O

    Contaminated Bud

    It's funny I stumbled across this topic.. me and a group of friends were discussing this not too long ago. it pisses me off so much.. having dry mouth is bad enough, but then having that gritty feeling is fucking horrible.
  5. O


    Oreo's!!!.. and anything Oreo related.. I can't get enough of them.. high or not :mrgreen: