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  1. Dade County Pine

    Cannaventure RKS ?

    I have a friend in the Virgin Isles, I'll ask him to keep an eye out.
  2. Dade County Pine

    Cannaventure RKS ?

    Hey Calicat, Thanks for the heads up ! I'll be trying some of the suugestions you made. I am on a quest, to find that good old school skunk. I'll keep this thread going until I've found it !!!
  3. Dade County Pine

    Cannaventure RKS ?

    Exactly what I'm looking for too. I bought some "Shoreline" from Devils Harvest, only 1 seed has popped. If shoreline is as claimed I will let you know. I'm thinking about picking up some cannaventure RKS, I was hoping someone had tried it.
  4. Dade County Pine

    Cannaventure RKS ?

    Has anyone tried or done a grow with this strain ? I am trying to find out if it is true old school skunk.