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  1. The FARMacist

    Plz help my seedlings!!!

    thanks man ill try that tonight.
  2. The FARMacist

    Plz help my seedlings!!!

    thanks. does this happen to you all the time?
  3. The FARMacist

    Plz help my seedlings!!!

    dam no one really??? bump goddamit
  4. The FARMacist

    Plz help my seedlings!!!

    how are your soil grows
  5. The FARMacist

    Plz help my seedlings!!!

    comeon anyone bumpbump
  6. The FARMacist

    Plz help my seedlings!!!

    anybody come across this or know how to fix it bump!!
  7. The FARMacist

    Plz help my seedlings!!!

    should i get a airstone, or should i get a stronger air pump and a bigger airstone.(i think the aerogarden pump is weak and doesnt provide enought air to the roots
  8. The FARMacist

    Plz help my seedlings!!!

    yeah i have the airpump on at all time but no airstones.
  9. The FARMacist

    Plz help my seedlings!!!

    Have you grown in the spacesaver before? i was gonna start one a couple weeks ago but i lost my motivation to do it cuz off the problems.:-(
  10. The FARMacist

    Plz help my seedlings!!!

    yeah im just doing only water for now, at first i was using tap water. i switched to ice mountain water after three weeks but nothing ever got better was it too late?
  11. The FARMacist

    Plz help my seedlings!!!

    i meant to say crisp sorry bout the spelling. any help is apreciated
  12. The FARMacist

    Plz help my seedlings!!!

    i forgot to mention that when i touch the plants the leaves crip off, and the stems have a purpleish tint to them.
  13. The FARMacist

    Plz help my seedlings!!!

    what am i doing wrong? i am using the aerogarden spacesaver 6 with the sponges that came with it. i had four seedlings that were all doing fine until the second week. the first thing i notice is the leaves were drooping and looked like claws, tthen the started to change into a yellowish white...
  14. The FARMacist

    Help!!! gf sabotaged my plant and now its dying!! see pics

    I would spike that bitchs drinks with clorox so she could feel wat the plants did lol all you could probably do is use distilled water, no nutes, just keep it on its normal light cycle, youd be suprized how quick plants heal.