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  1. G

    adding cannazym to compost tea

    i also use Age Old Organics Soluble Mycorrhizae as my bennies, as this had the highest count of spores then anything else i could find at my local hydro store. Hope my impute helps
  2. G

    adding cannazym to compost tea

    you can add canazyme to compost tea but if you dont have any carbs for the fungi to eat then they will just die off. the cannazym will help the fermentation process of what ever you add in your brew bucket but it's quite pricey. feed the fungi by adding molasses and worm castings. Adding kelp to...
  3. G

    Two Plants One Bean?

    anybody disagree or agree on the ScrOG? any other training that would help promote bigger yields?
  4. G

    Two Plants One Bean?

    thank you all for the responses. well this is my 2nd run so i dont know if i want to ditch them, i might just finish them out just for the experience. i planed on moving them outside once they got too big for that case which will probably be in a month. so the space isnt an issue for me it...
  5. G

    Two Plants One Bean?

    thank you for the quick response. as promised here is a pic. the twins are the front left and the front middle.
  6. G

    Two Plants One Bean?

    i had purchased some G13 labs pineapple express feminized seed, a while back and finally decided to pop it. the bean was germinated for 2 days until the tap root showed. it was then put into a 16oz plastic cup of soil for 2 days when something weird happened... out of the soil 2 plants started...
  7. G

    Dustep DNB ect-post Anything Good
  8. G

    Dustep DNB ect-post Anything Good