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  1. socaldad

    LED and HPS together

    If I ran my ms bulb on an hps setting would it distroy my bulb.
  2. socaldad

    Can Fan Venting Two 1000 watts

    ?If I ran my ms bulb on an hps system, would it distroy the bulb if it only ran for like 5 hours?
  3. socaldad

    My First Grow, so far that is...

    :roll: whats ur lighting and how much watts.:?:
  4. socaldad

    the chitown sourkush thread

    Does anyone know were to get grandaddy purp clones in socal. I can not find any. Got lots sour grapes though...
  5. socaldad

    Ok Plants Are In Pots and The Lights Are On....Let The Grow Begin

    Has anyone gotten to try it? Smoke up, horders...
  6. socaldad

    light fixtures?

    :blsmoke: OR do both. You can never go wrong. Lights are cheep 50watts leds for like $30.00....
  7. socaldad

    Just got ONA Gel and WOW!

    :?:Have you used an Ionic Air Filter. I am thinking of using my wifes and get her a new one. Once I get to that point though.
  8. socaldad

    Indoor closet grow w/ pics

    I am happy for you. What a sweet joy.Please pics please...
  9. socaldad

    1st Med Grow! Hawaii Indoor

    :weed:Thats a sick lighting system. Whats ur yeald on that setup?:shock:
  10. socaldad

    LED and HPS together

    :joint: Led and hps together as one. I am on the indoor grow forum. Any help would be great.
  11. socaldad

    Do I HAVE to CHANGE the WATER??? DWC

    :eyesmoke: I am done with hyd. Soil BX, Bat Guano, you know.
  12. socaldad

    When will they be ready??

    :eyesmoke: They look like there about 2-3weeks old.
  13. socaldad

    Looking for Help on my First Grow.

    :weed: I have a new thred in the indoor grow forum. Please anyone with any knowledge of my strains Please Help. LED and HPS at the same time!!!
  14. socaldad

    Just got ONA Gel and WOW!

    I will be looking into some of that "GEL"...I need help!!!
  15. socaldad

    Which UFO to buy?

    For what its worth. I found a Guy that makes LEDs right here in the US. I Just got one sent to me from the east coast to the west coast for only $209.00 with a 2year warranty. It is a 120watt 60%red 40%blue flat. I am running this LED right along my HPS in the same room.
  16. socaldad

    LED and HPS together

    :weed: I am finally up and running. Today I started 8 strains. Master Kush Blue Dream God's Gift Sour Grapes Headband Casey Jones White Widow Trainreck Soil Mixture: Pro-Mix BX Organic Worm Castings Perlite Food Mixture: FoxFarm Growing Big Bat Guano Light Systems: 120Watt LED 60%Red...
  17. socaldad
  18. socaldad

    Sour Grape & Casey Jones

    :wall: I noticed you also worked with Blue Dream and Casey Jones. I have been trying to find the Sativa/Indica % for Blue Dream, Casey Jones, and Sour Grapes. Do you know what the % of Sativa/Indica is for these three strains? I know how rediculous this sounds but I cannot find this...
  19. socaldad

    Best Soil to use for Sativa and Indica LED Lighting?

    Can anybody tell me what is the best soil mixture for: A. Sativa B. Indica Any suggestions for light running time under a LED 90W blue, red, and orange 18 hour max lighting time? Any suggestions on chemical mixture and watering time?
  20. socaldad

    Help accessing the classified section

    I am trying to access the classified section. It does not let me access it. What do I need to do to access the classified section? How do I become an Elite member? Help please.