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  1. H


    Just into skinny girls. And girls that are kinky.
  2. H

    Growing weed is like....

    haha i breed snakes and it seems pretty similar. Alot of different calculations and factors you have to keep track of.
  3. H

    How often do you change the bong water?

    haha i change the bong water pretty much every smoking session.
  4. H

    Question About Anal Sex

    Get her nice and drunk. But dont force it on her. It has to be fun for both of you. Maybe she's not into anal at all. Some girls are, some girls arent.
  5. H

    December 21, 2012... A good day to die?

    In my opinion "religion" is created by people craving answers and not willing to look at facts. Im not saying anyone's wrong, im just saying people want answers and dont care about proof. I think if the world does "end" in 2012 it'll be caused be humans (e.g. nuclear bomb or other weapon)
  6. H

    The Ground Zero Mosque debate.

    I dont think muslims are hateful terrorists.... but i dont think the people that want to build the mosque mean well. Do some research on what they want to name the mosque. From what I'VE heard and sean its not very respectful. The muslim reps say they just want people to respect them; maybe they...
  7. H

    Sex Or Drugs

    I would give up drugs for sex if it means sex with someone i really care about and want to be with.
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    What's More Important to You, the Truth or Being Comfortable With a Lie?

    When i hear this "relationship" comes to mind. I want to hear the truth, no matter what it is. I'd rather hear a bad truth then a good lie. A good lie will only hurt you more in the end.
  9. H

    What Happens To Thoughts?

    I think our thoughts are stored somewhere in our brain, but our brain throws the thought away if we dont think its important enough. Thats why you always remember a girl's name if you're really into her, apposed to forgetting someones name that you have no intrest in. Just my opinion.
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    Life With No Regrets

    I agree with this. Regrets arent bad unless you dwell on themm too much. Regrets are just mistakes, and you must learn from your mistakes.
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    Question For People!

    Im human. Its a plant. Why cant i do what i want with it? The only thing that says i cant use it is other humans with their own beliefs. Tell me why i should listen to their beliefs and i will listen.
  12. H

    Serious Question About Sex

    I agree with this. Eat her out as long as it takes, then have her go down on you, then eat her out again or start having sex. Thats what's always worked for me.
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    Fav. Movie to Watch While Stoned

    Prolly have to be "Casino" with Robert De Niro, Joe Pesci, and Sharon Stone. Love that movie...
  14. H

    First Time You Ever Toked?

    My first time smoking the herb. Its a long story, but here it is. I live in San Diego. About 3 weeks after i turned 18 (Im 19 now) i met this very attractive girl named rachel at my school. I was into her, and she was obviously into me. The day that i met her i asked her if she wanted to go...