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  1. Z

    Yellowing / Yellow spots (pics)

    Thanks, going to get bigger buckets for them today. All the plants are starting to wilt now - whether that's related or not I dunno, but I hope I can save them anyway...
  2. Z

    Yellowing / Yellow spots (pics)

    More pictures. I spoke to my local grow shop, and they said the issue was likely to be a lack of nitrogen. In truth, I haven't been feeding them nutes very often, but they're in Biobuzz Allmix soil. Put in some nutes with water yesterday, going to see how they get on.
  3. Z

    Big bang (first grow)

    They're getting more yellow, and more crispy. I was talking to the fella in my local grow shop, and he reckoned it was a lack of nitro, which makes sense considering I haven't fed it nutes for a while. Put some more in yesterday, but here's how they're all looking now anyway.
  4. Z

    Big bang (first grow)

    Hey EA Yeah, it's the allmix stuff. I had a container in there with water and nutes to add to humidity, but I've taken it out now. I guess I'll try to run some water through them to rinse out the soil a bit, and really back off the nutes. Did you take yours out of allmix EA?
  5. Z

    Big bang (first grow)

    Thanks guys. :)
  6. Z

    Yellowing / Yellow spots (pics)

    How long has this problem been going on? A week or so What STRAIN are you growing? Big Bang What was the establishing technique? (seed or clone?) Seed What is the age of your plants? About two weeks, give or take How long have they been in the soil mixture they are in now? Since they...
  7. Z

    Big bang (first grow)

    Getting a lot of yellowing in some of the leaves, I suspect it's because I don't check for ph levels in my water, so I've ordered stuff to do that. Any thoughts? I've moved the light down to try to stop some of the stretching and hopefully promote some of the plants to get a bit bushier. The two...
  8. Z

    Big bang (first grow)

    Cool photos dude - yours seems to be coming out a lot bushier than mine around the same time in. I guess that's cause my light's too high, and they're stretching, so I've dropped it down a bit. We'll see how it is in a week or so. I'll order a few pots and transplant them when they come. Thanks...
  9. Z

    Big bang (first grow)

    Cheers for the tips guys. Quick point to make, I miscalculated the dates, the plants are really only two weeks old. EA - As I say, I read your thread start to finish, and it was a big help to me. Really interesting seeing you trying out all those different techniques and stuff too.I'm just...
  10. Z

    Big Bang First grow

    Took a couple of days coming in and out, but just read your whole thread dude, and it's very interesting. I'm about three weeks in to my first grow which is big bang as well. My plants are still very small though. When you say 11 1/2 weeks or whatever, does that include veg? Here's my thread...
  11. Z

    Big bang (first grow)

    Noticed Marx was starting to curl up a bit, did a bit of reading up, and realised I wasn't supposed to be feeding with nutes every time I fed, so cutting back on that, and it's starting to look healthier. Also have the glaringly obvious problem that all my feminised plants are named after men...
  12. Z

    Big bang (first grow)

    Thanks for the tips dude, I've been leaning towards doing those things you mentioned already so I'll take a look into them this week or weekend. Here's some pics from near the start of my grow - week one or twoish:
  13. Z

    Big bang (first grow)

    Got four sprouts. Feeding them with Bio-Grow... didn't quite measure it, but poured a tiny bit (less than a capful) into a 2L bottle, then sprayed it on. Getting concerned that the top layer of soil gets pretty dry. Using a squirty bottle to feed them. They're not really strong enough to need it...
  14. Z

    Big bang (first grow)

    Hey fellas. I'm just about to start my first grow. I've got a wardrobe about 2m tall, bought some big bang seeds and a pile of equipment from my local grow shop. I've got a 250w hps lamp with a "powerplant" ballast box, 100a extractor fan with a carbon filter and 5m of tubing a few small pots...