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  1. G

    Himalayan Blue Diesel Grow

    Finally got my ass in gear to let you guys know what the final weight was of these plants. 41g or dry bud. Very nice stone too I must admit but think in future, unless I need a quick turn-around of weed I will probably leave the lr's now. Perhaps if I had grown in bigger pots then I would...
  2. G

    Himalayan Blue Diesel Grow

    Chopped them all yday. Have around 120g of wet weed from the 5 plants. Was gonna leave the popcorn buds under the lights after chopping off the main buds but couldn't be arsed to leave them any longer. Early guesses would say (and from others I have spoke to) that dry weight would be around 50%...
  3. G

    Himalayan Blue Diesel Grow

    A month, not a chance. Looking at the trich's thru a 100x microscope they are all milky looking. A lot of the pistils, visible with the naked eye, are orange, around about 50-75%, so they are at optimum range for chopping. Can anyone tell me what problems I will have if I just take off the big...
  4. G

    Himalayan Blue Diesel Grow

    To dinafemhazeauto - i did have a 400W hps, but my mate got busted with all my equip. This has been done on the cheap and buds are looking pretty impressive overall. And if I get 10g per plant then I will be very happy, will tie me over till the others are finished.
  5. G

    Himalayan Blue Diesel Grow

    Finally was able to upload the photo's onto my pc so I can get them on here. This is now day 66, photo's taken on day 60 or 61. Just finished flushing them and over the past few days from when I last seen them the buds have almost doubled in size! Even speaking to my mate yday who is looking...
  6. G

    Himalayan Blue Diesel Grow

    Day 50 of the grow. No more problems, with the exception of getting photo's uploaded. Think I will use the digi camera next time and post that way. Had a problem with the timer switch as it decided it didn't want to switch off so it got an extra week of the lights being on constantly. Now they...
  7. G

    Himalayan Blue Diesel Grow

    Now for an update, sorry I've not been on for a while, was having problems uploading my pics from my phone to my pc. All are doing well. I remembered the name of the other plant which I forgot - it was a dinafem diesel, found the wee baggy the seed came in the other day. Also the wee runt that...
  8. G

    Himalayan Blue Diesel Grow

    Here is my current update with pics from day 18. All looking good so far. Changed light schedule from 24/0 to 20/4, also added a fan to the proceedings. Gave them a feed of unrefined sugar cane molasses on day 18 too. Still only getting to them once a week as it is all I have time for. Fingers...
  9. G

    Himalayan Blue Diesel Grow

    Here is an update of my grow. The 2 in the back right are california hash and i can't remember what the other was. They were free seeds from attitude. The ones in the small pots are bag seed, i think 1 is a pure sativa and the other 3 are indica/sativa hybrid, very skunky from what i remember...
  10. G

    White Dwarf and Himalayan Blue Diesel need help!!!

    Wouldn't worry about the leaves going that colour at all. Leaves will turn odd colours as they progress so not to worry. Seen as they are only a month away from harvest then it not a big problem. You will need to flush for a week (hydro) or 2 weeks for soil grow. Your pics are looking good...
  11. G

    Himalayan Blue Diesel Grow

    Here's an update now that I have started growing. All seems to be going well so far. 4 out of 5 seeds have sprouted and 1 seems to have had trouble getting above the soil so we will see what will happen with that one. Also potted 6 bag seed and only 3 have rooted but these are for my grow...
  12. G

    Himalayan Blue Diesel Grow

    I have heard that red spectrum is better for flowering and seen as auto's basically pass the veg stage (which is more blue spectrum) then there is no need. I could get one of each, but would it not be better to have 2 x 125W cfl red rather than 1 of each? Assume that I would get bigger buds that...
  13. G

    Himalayan Blue Diesel Grow

    Trying to get a little bit of advice. And to also start a new journal on here from start to finish. Have grown NFT hydro before till my mate got busted with all my equipment so until I get the money back to buy another and grow in my own place am doing it different this time around and on the...