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  1. W

    Black leaves

    man, black leaves? I've smoked black bud supposedly from africa. I've never been that baked before. maybe you've got the magic strain. and the plant will grow to the heavens adn you can climb it like jack... and steal gods giant bong.
  2. W

    Have you ever laughed so hard you almost peed your pants?

    hahahah no not myself but I have witnessed a man pee his pants from laughing. My friend had a bike and blew out the front shocks. And my other friend decided to ride over a speed bump. well he ended up flipping hard. and I guess it was just so funny he peed.
  3. W

    How to tell if this shit is good.

    aahahahah there's not even any visible chrystals :( somebody once tried selling dope like that to me. and I beat the fuck out of him. and all he had to say for himself was 'DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM'?!?!! and thats about the time I picked him up and ran him into a poll. true story. you should of...
  4. W

    Hey Look!

    hahahaha oh man, grocery store? I went into a church and went for tea. and it was full of old people and I wasn't even trying to cause mayhem, but I was so baked I dropped a china glass tea cup adn everything exploded, it was all on tape, that shits just too crappy to put on the dvd,lol
  5. W

    2 in 1 pot

    Yes, but on the brightside if you want a plant with an extremely large root system, you could just wait till the stronger plant takes over the weaker plants roots, and then smoke the weak plants shake or something. This would probably make a stronger plant.
  6. W

    please help/advise

    IF YOUR REAL HARDCORE. And don't want to spend money. Search around your town for a church or a store that has outdoor lighting fixtures. They usually have exterior outlets too, inwhich you just unplug and unscrew. Bam instant free lights. But don't get caught. lol
  7. W

    to vaporize or not to vaporize

    The perfect temperature I heard or so is 274 degrees farenheit. This allows for 40% more intake of THC that is usually destroyed by heat.
  8. W

    Hey Look!

    I don't know, in heavy wind it makes me fall over sometimes.
  9. W

    My Very First Grow

    Hmm, I cooked mine right away, before the plant even unbended to stretch towards the light,it was very productive, my plants are strong, green, and producing leaves like mad.
  10. W


    well actually an ounce is 28.6 grams. if you want to be exact. You shouldn't sell. Just smoke it yourself.
  11. W

    Fat Stalks

    Try boiling the water in a kettle and catching the pure steamed water molecules in cup angle above your kettle and let it drip into another cup. This allows for pure water. Peat moss is a potential denaturizer of earthworm poo. Try removing the peat next time if your using the poo.
  12. W


    Yea, or try to get one with two optical veiwing lenses. IT works way better.
  13. W

    Hey Look!

    okay try now!
  14. W

    Contest Oct 21 - Nov 21

    damn...all that work for nothing.
  15. W

    Hey Look!

    YouTube - Kyle's Skate Video Preview POTential?
  16. W

    Contest Oct 21 - Nov 21

    okay sweet. Hopefully I can win
  17. W

    The Cost of Growing

    I think the real reason cannabis isn't legalized is because too many people would waste electricity growing uncontrollably.
  18. W

    How does it look -pics-

    they started germinating when I first posted.
  19. W

    How does it look -pics-

    siiiiiigh I couldn't even tell you the strain, or even if it's indica or sativa. I was just smoking dope at some kids house and he had these huge buds. and he was telling me how one of his plants went male and pollenate a plant and I took a couple seeds from him just to see if growing was...
  20. W

    Stupid stuff you've done while high?

    well I went on msn and typed retardedly at people and trying to come up with an idea to get them off, when my friend sarah said she could pick them and 3 hours later she finally came to my house and I got the cuffs off. I still have them somewhere, But sadly I never found my pants. I had like 4...