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  1. adjectival

    Canadian Seed Banks

    I was thinking of hitting up the Niagara Seed Bank, but reports vary about the price vs quality, and of what the proprietors are like.
  2. adjectival

    niagara & toronto seed banks

    Can anyone else back this up? ... I've only heard good things so far about Niagara Seed Bank...
  3. adjectival

    Canadian Seed Banks

    So, what is the legality of selling seeds in Canada? I know there are seed banks, but could I just go to a physical location and buy some? Or is it all on the down low? And if you can just go, what is needed to do so? ID? Forms? I am going to be visiting Canada later this year, and I'm...
  4. adjectival

    Ultimate DIY Carbon Scruber Under $100 Fan and All

    I'm wondering, has anyone tried this with a bath fan? It seems like they would be the actual CFM they are rated for.
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    1 x Super Lemon Haze {CFL}{Soil}{Indoor}{5gal}

    Damn. I bow to you, sir. I'm considering going for a SLH in a few months, but I do need to keep it 100% odorless. It'd be a stealth box of some kind, inside a closet, inside a bedroom. I'm thinking a carbon filter on the box and a HEPA filter in the closet?
  6. adjectival

    Easy Ryder Odor?

    I just checked out your cabinet, very nice. Did the filter cover up all the smell, or did some drift out? Also, do you know of any dwarf auto-flowering varieties that are particularly low odor? I'm trying to make this as stealth as possible, and the problem is that pretty much everyone I...
  7. adjectival

    Easy Ryder Odor?

    Does anyone have any experience with Easy Ryder odor? I'm planning to grow three in stealth DWC, and I'm wondering what I need to incorporate into the grow cabinet. It'll be my first grow, so I don't have any experience with odor to go on. My initial plan was to use one of those one-pass...