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  1. HydroGirl

    Brown tips on pistils?? (PICS)

    thanks everyone :) This isn't my first grow... I just haven't seen the pistils brown this way someone put a lighter on them... I know they aren't anywhere near harvest time yet.. hahaha I wanted to make sure there wasn't something wrong..
  2. HydroGirl

    Brown tips on pistils?? (PICS)

    I just noticed that the tips of the pistils on a couple of bud sights have turned brown and shriveled. Do you guys know why this is happening? I PH balance... I use foxfarm nutes... the rest of the plant doesn't have any nute burn... help please :):peace:
  3. HydroGirl

    Whats your favorite time of the day to trip ?

    I love tripping at night :smile: At night it's like everything is outlined with darkness... the outlines twist and warp... oh and lights and toys are brighter :peace:
  4. HydroGirl

    I need some advice with my buding plants please help !!!!

    haha you might get one or two bong rips.... :P j/k They look great! I'm sure you'll get a decent amount. Keep up w/ flowering nutes... it'd probably be worth it to pick up some beastie bloomz and cha ching.....
  5. HydroGirl

    Fuck my life

    U shoulda bought a Mac! :) ;)
  6. HydroGirl

    I need some advice with my buding plants please help !!!!

    They look good :) what are you using for nutes?
  7. HydroGirl

    I need some advice with my buding plants please help !!!!

    they'll get a lot bigger in 6+ weeks ;)
  8. HydroGirl

    I need some advice with my buding plants please help !!!!

    What strain is it? Some are just smaller than others.... and it sounds like you have some more time to go before you chop... they'll get bigger :) pics would def help :)
  9. HydroGirl

    Why is everyone buying into this Auto-Flower and Female seed crap?

    When space and time are an issue they're great. Seed companies know that everyone is different and we all have different setups we can work with. This guy may have a huge room and unlimited $$ for soil, pots, nutes, water ect. .... and the other guy might just have a small closet with not a lot...
  10. HydroGirl

    Why is weed so much better in california than anywhere else?

    This reminds me of the show Bullshit with penn & teller.... the episode "the best". There is no such thing as "the best"..... so saying cali has the best weed... is really delusions from fantasy island.
  11. HydroGirl

    Help! I think my cat peed in my plant's soil

    Am I doing something wrong?
  12. HydroGirl

    Help! I think my cat peed in my plant's soil

    I didn't veg under a 400watt hps...... i'm flowering with an hps...............I used cfl's for veg
  13. HydroGirl

    please help, purple stems and yellow leaves (pics)

    yikes! :( I would go to G-Mart (wal*mart) and pick up some super thrive
  14. HydroGirl

    Help! I think my cat peed in my plant's soil

    Hey there :) This is the 2nd time i've flowered... because of timing i flowered them after a month and a half of veg...I'm using the fox farm regimen and a 400watt hps. the next round will be bigger :) yessss heat stress! I live in a place where we have high heat and humidity in the summer... i...
  15. HydroGirl

    Help! I think my cat peed in my plant's soil

    I just popped the NYPD and not pictured here GrapeGod and another Delahaze (they are germinating)
  16. HydroGirl

    Help! I think my cat peed in my plant's soil

    Yes :) here's some pics! I know I have a lot of strains at once, but i couldn't help myself :) In Veg: Blue cheese, LSD, Delahaze, Chrystal, Snow white, NYPD, Honey B..In Flower: Mystery, Bubblegum, Pandora's Box and Chrystal....
  17. HydroGirl

    Help! I think my cat peed in my plant's soil

    awwww <3 your sweet as pie
  18. HydroGirl

    Help! I think my cat peed in my plant's soil

    ehhhh.... i'll stick to my nutes :P even if it was good for them... cats like to claw and dig up the dirt before they use it... not so good for the roots...and the plant gets sat on. :( I won't accommodate bad behavior with tricks like tobacco sauce... i just have a 2 strike rule.. I'm a stone...
  19. HydroGirl

    Help! I think my cat peed in my plant's soil

    I almost did.... but instead i went for a walk w/ my dog <3 .... then came back and kicked their asses out!
  20. HydroGirl

    What Can Be Better Than Attitude Freebies????

    I placed an order with speedy when they had the deal going that was first posted... just wanted to say he was fast, discreet and I got all my free seeds :) I haven't had any problems with germination.... If your having so much trouble maybe you should look at what YOUR doing wrong... People...