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  1. richwayall

    i dont want my biggest plant to die!!! could this be root rot? i have pictures

    the reason i say this is because in your pic the ground looks baked and the surrounding grass is dry and also if your others that are "smaller" are doing good with the same water and nutes then its not what you are using but the amount bigger plants mean bigger root system.
  2. richwayall

    i dont want my biggest plant to die!!! could this be root rot? i have pictures

    Before i went and spent a lot of money on ph testers try and give it 5 gallons of water check it in a couple of hours and see if it has perked up.
  3. richwayall

    when to shake plants?

    you folks must live in the city.... LMFAO
  4. richwayall

    some simple but effective home remedies for pest control

    dice or crush and spread around the plant
  5. richwayall

    using an old fridge to cool my res

    another idea would be to replace your in line thermostat with a window unit thermostat both are the same in design and function only diff is the a/c one is set to shut off at higher settings.
  6. richwayall

    using an old fridge to cool my res

    the insulating will not help you it may slow the process down by a few hours but by design the fridge will pull the heat from your res. by using the timer you are basicly doing the same thing as your in line thermastat on your fridge which shuts the power on and off, as long as you do not set it...
  7. richwayall

    using an old fridge to cool my res

    only problem is when the temps starts dropping outside so will the temps in the fridge averages out like for every 1 degree it falls outside it will drop 2 degrees on the inside, but if you have the time to constantly moniter it you can work it out.
  8. richwayall

    using an old fridge to cool my res

    one idea would be to put the frig on a timer to limit the amount of time its on, or go get indoor thermostat,transformer and relay.
  9. richwayall

    HOw to kill spider mites

    i just posted this in the bug section here is a link
  10. richwayall

    some simple but effective home remedies for pest control

    cucumber peels work great to repel or get rid of bugs including ants, wasps, mites, moths, flies and other insects.
  11. richwayall

    some simple but effective home remedies for pest control

    here are some home remedies for your pest problems that have been tried on my outdoor garden and in my little private one. Simple Soap Solution 2 Tbs. soap flakes 2 litre warm water Dissolve soap flakes in water and apply directly to infested areas every 5-7 days. Note: Too much soap can...
  12. richwayall

    post spider mite infestation! plus photos of spidermites!!! led pictures!

    lol went through the spider mite prob on my last grow and was broke couldn't afford any pesticides. found those simple remedies on the web and they worked really well.
  13. richwayall

    post spider mite infestation! plus photos of spidermites!!! led pictures!

    Simple Soap Solution 2 Tbs. soap flakes 2 litre warm water Dissolve soap flakes in water and apply directly to infested areas every 5-7 days. Note: Too much soap can cause burning on plants. Pests affected: aphids, spider mites, and whiteflies. Garlic Oil Spray 10-15 cloves of minced garlic 2...
  14. richwayall

    some1 who knows aphids

    Simple Soap Solution 2 Tbs. soap flakes 2 litre warm water Dissolve soap flakes in water and apply directly to infested areas every 5-7 days. Note: Too much soap can cause burning on plants. Pests affected: aphids, spider mites, and whiteflies. Garlic Oil Spray 10-15 cloves of minced garlic 2...
  15. richwayall

    wow fml

    if the plant is still showing green then it is still alive just water and feed and it should come on back.
  16. richwayall

    Smokey's growing with LEDs....lets see what theses babies can really do!

    cant wait to see what the leds do
  17. richwayall

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    hey fdd2blk, what do you think they still need to go for 2 more weeks?
  18. richwayall

    Killing Root Rot

    saving this thread
  19. richwayall

    Clones (sorry for new thread didnt wanan hijack others though)

    when clones start to develop roots they will take the stored energy from the fan leaves that is why your leaves are turning yellow then falling off.
  20. richwayall

    lake water for watering???

    hey jlh1983, i use spring water from the creek here by the house for my hydro, my plants seem to love it, but the down side is that you have to adjust your nutes and add some h202.