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    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    can you pinch the tips on lowriders to make 2 colas? or would this kill the plant or stunt its growth
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    Looking for cheap Autoflower seeds

    Dr Chronic has 20 original lowrider seeds for 50 GBP i found that an alright price considering the good things ive heard about this site:bigjoint:
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    Problems with soil medium

    heyhey people im starting an outdoor crop using lowriders, and this soil im using from the ground where i used to have chickens has great nutrients and is rich good soil, a fine PH but it sticks together when watered, and has a bit of clay in it so im guessing the roots of the plants will have...
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    Welcome New Members!

    hey everyone im from oz and just failed a bunch of plants and wanna learn more peace