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  1. G

    First Build

    im not an expert by any means yet, but if you have sprouts in the cups right now the lights are TOOO FAR AWAY, and the fact that they havnt even broke the plane of the top of the cup means that they are getting even less light (shadows FTL) raise your babies or bring down the glow! :)
  2. G

    Supper cropping vs topping vs scrog

    LST is low stress training, its used to bend the stalks of the plants to make them grow different dirrections other then straight up, also with LST iv seen people use fishing weights and spread them out around the plant to keep it smaller ( not sure how effective this is but seems logical...
  3. G

    Supper cropping vs topping vs scrog

    right and LST was another thing i was debating with, it just seems to be a matter of preferrence or maybe what works with the specific strain.. thanks for the input
  4. G

    Supper cropping vs topping vs scrog

    So basically I am trying to figure out which of these techniques is best to use.. now i understand that you can top and or supper crop with using a scrog setup, but would it then be necessary? I thought the point of a scrog would be to acheive the same goals that one is looking for when...