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  1. W

    Marijuana Freak Out

    Yeah my friend puked a few times too. I forgot to mention that.
  2. W

    Marijuana Freak Out

    Last night, in one of the most unexpected crazy events of my life, a person had a horrible "episode" in a smoking session. The guy who had the incident was probably the most "normal" and calm guy there. I don't know if he was a "seasoned" smoker, but I've smoked with him a few times before and...
  3. W

    Nutrient Burn

    Just a shitty plant... there's always variations from seed to seed. If you were to tell me it was a clone and was doing it that'd be wierd, but this is not that strange. If you plan on cloning, just don't clone that one. Grats on the 9 fems... you got "the touch" ;) wtf is wierd spelled wrong...
  4. W

    Strain Mutation for Stealth Phenotypes?

    In response to evolution having nothing to do with mutations - that's ridiculous. While evolution IS a response to environmental factors, plants don't go "it's hot, I think I'll have a baby that's more heat resistant," but have mutations in their subsequent generations that may or may not be...
  5. W

    Light Shock?

    Hey all, Had a question about plants and "light shock," if there is such a thing. In an ideal setup, primarily blue spectrum light is used for vegetative growth, while red is clearly superior for flowering. What I want to know is if anyone has proven that changing light spectrum too fast causes...
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    Glass Cleaning Frequency

    I got a small (prolly holds 1/3 cup of water) glass-on-glass and I change the water about 1/week. I use new water about two to three times a week. It's a clear bong and bowl, so when the resin builds up, it looks so nasty. It just looks soooooo nice when it's fully clear, but the bowl is hard to...
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    CFLs question

    For what? More information would be nice, but I guess: "as much as you can get" would be the best answer. Another common answer around here is: "NONE! USE HID! HPS is the only way to go!" whatever floats your boat.
  8. W

    plants all ways get to tall

    I'm no expert but I believe Sativas grow to be quite tall... MUCH taller than Indicas. Also, your plant will stretch a lot if you have the light too far away. I think it might have more to do with genetics like bb007 said, rather than your lights but I don't have a lot of information or...
  9. W

    What's symmetry mean?

    muchos gracias.
  10. W

    What's symmetry mean?

    My kush plants are quite symmetric. The nodes orient N S then E W perfectly each time they sprout new leaves. Is this just something I reading too much into or is this: A) just a coincedence B) a Kush quality C) a quality of females! :) D) a thing every plant does and I'm ignorant
  11. W

    Can i use dried seeds?

    make sure if you're going to invest a lot of time in growing, that you use really good bag seed, rather than just seeds from regs or something. If you don't get the delight of getting really seedy nugg (sarcasm), ask a friend if they got any good seeds, and tell them if they give em to you for...
  12. W

    Plants keep falling over and dieing

    Attics are hot enough as it is aren't they? Maybe moving your setup to a cooler room would help in itself. Putting your CFLs TOO close can be just as bad as putting them too far away. I had lots of damage to my plants when I put my CFLs too close. Another thing that no one's said yet is that you...
  13. W

    CFL's in computer case

    I am all for this! I guess I can see where he's coming from. It's more of a "can I do it successfully when no one thinks I can!?" kinda thing. If you can figure this out, I'd love to be updated. Sorry I can't help with the wiring however... just thought you needed someone on your side in the...
  14. W

    Blue + Red CFLs for flower?

    What's a good ratio of 2700k CFLs to 6500k CFLs lumens wise during flowering? I'll use whatever I can get, I just wanna know if there's been any definitive "optimum" studies on ratios of the 2 spectrums during flowering. Also, what are optimum ratios for vegging (Or would 100% blue spectrum be...
  15. W

    Germinations help plz

    i assume just putting the seed in the soil is remarkably close to just putting a seed in a wet paper towel - as long as the soil is wet. The hubbub with germinating would be eliminating any "slackers" before you plant them. Sometimes a seed won't germinate, but you won't have to waste your...
  16. W

    Misting plants= intensifying light?

    hehe sorry. I stopped reading after the second page and skipped to the last. There was a lot of "off-topic 'ranting'" going on.
  17. W

    Floro tube to CFL problems

    does this mean I can put the aluminum reflectors back on? Or is it my best bet to just let them hang without the reflector a little bit further away from my plants?
  18. W

    Misting plants= intensifying light?

    anyone got any input on the idea of misting with carbonated water?
  19. W

    Germinations help plz

    For germination, all I did was wrap my seeds in a moist paper towel. By moist I mean the paper towel is wet to the touch but not soaked. Put the paper towel in a baggy or something and put that under your sink (or any other dark place for that matter). after about 24-48 hours you should see a...
  20. W

    Misting plants= intensifying light?

    I'm not an experienced grower myself, but I wonder what you all think of misting with a carbonated water solution. Since the question was whether misting them is better for photosynthesis, I think the idea of adding more CO2 to the mix would be interesting. Also, I think there would be a...