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  1. W

    Hardest Thing You've Laughed At While High?

    I was in a friends bathroom with 2 other mates smokn it up. After 2 cones (this shit was strong) I was feeln it pretty hard, and for some reason or another 1 of my mates was talking about doctors, or his doctor or something. I then turned to my indian friend and said, "hey steve, who's your...
  2. W

    A Bored Electrician to Answer Your Questions

    Ok mate, we're on the same page now. Basically, I'm going to grow it in a speaker box. Don't worry about how viable that will be etc. I plan to place a singular, small Light in there, such as a lightbulb (HPS preferably) If it gets too hot, i'll use another. I also plan to place a PC fan...
  3. W

    A Bored Electrician to Answer Your Questions

    I understand that, but can you answer my original questions please. How can I wire it?
  4. W

    A Bored Electrician to Answer Your Questions

    no, with my powers of moving objects through walls, I shall insert the lightbulb like so. :-P:-P:-P:-P Jk mate by door I assume you literally mean, a door to access the plant Etc. possibly. I can modify it to however I like. Just assume I will and give an answer based on that please...
  5. W

    A Bored Electrician to Answer Your Questions

    How you goin man. First of all I'd like to thank you for giving up your time to help all of us. I was wondering how one might wire a light bulb such as this one or any other singular lightbulb reccomended for growing plants without plugging it the roof as per usual . I dont really have any...