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  1. Cutdown

    First time grow

    Every plant was cut down on christmas eve, hanged 'em to dry and pictures coming up, wet weight from 6 plants was a bit over 20oz.
  2. Cutdown

    First time grow

    Dried a small sample for my day off from one of the lower buds.
  3. Cutdown

    Have to cut down in 3 weeks, how much left?

    Ok so here's the deal, moving to a bigger flat in 3 weeks, I know the Jack Herers will be ready by then since they need only two weeks max, but these I'm not so sure about, is 3 weeks enough for 'em? 2 first pics are a mystery bagseed and 3rd is one of the late-blooming ed rosenthals which I...
  4. Cutdown

    First time grow

    Thanks ^^ 4 new seedlings just sprouted, 2 ed rosenthal x hashplant and 2 Jack Herer x Chateauneuf. Gonna veg these long enough to show sex and get a mother for myself.
  5. Cutdown

    First time grow

    Sounds a bit smarter than my "rip 'em off" tactic. Plants are so sticky atm my fingers get glued to the keyboard, damn. Here's a few pics from today.
  6. Cutdown

    Question: What are these???

    I stopped reading at page 5 'cos it was getting way too gnarly, got the chills. Yikes. I say get "it" (dunno what to call it) soaked in gasoline, throw in a bonfire and put out the smoldering ashes with holy water. Bury 6 feet deep under your nemesis's yard. Buy a sack of bug bombs, insert...
  7. Cutdown

    First time grow

    Just wanted to mention 6 plants anymore, had to ditch 2 underdeveloped babies because lack of space earlier on. And by the way any estimates on the yield? I'm bad at this. 5 weeks into flower atm.
  8. Cutdown

    What's in your closet?

    2 x Jack Herer x Chateauneuf 1 x Ed Rosenthal x Hashplant 3 x Sativa called Indian Beauty
  9. Cutdown

    First time grow

    Snowin' & stinkin' here.
  10. Cutdown

    First time grow

    Hehe yea, every day with these teaches something new, like multiple colas and such. Today browsing on the forums made me feel really lucky about my male/female ratioas well.
  11. Cutdown

    Flower at 6 weeks?

    I say flower as well, didn't have mine a lot bigger than that.
  12. Cutdown

    First time grow

    Few new pics again, gettin' fatter by the day. The one in the front is the one in the first pic I posted last sunday.
  13. Cutdown

    How Many Times Does It Take?

    I'm growing my first plants at the moment, and because what I've learned on these forums it seems I will be rewarded quite pleasantly. Ok still weeks to go but it looks promising. Biggest cola 18cmx4.5cm. It's not impossible to succeed at first time.
  14. Cutdown

    First time grow

    Because I apparently can't attach anymore than 5 pics to a post, here's last one from the top of the stretcher.
  15. Cutdown

    First time grow

    Ok finally some pictoral update, so here they come! Last plant has to be tied down just because it's stretching more than the others even with lights close. No big problems though, everything is very satisfying.
  16. Cutdown

    First time grow

    ..or the next morning. Some days are just too baked.
  17. Cutdown

    First time grow

    They've gotten first of their snow, gotta take a pic in the morning when I hit the lights on.
  18. Cutdown

    Well.... I got caught :(

    Maybe in Texas sweety, here we've got a bit more liberal law even though it is "illegal" to grow.
  19. Cutdown

    First time grow

    Alrighty, point taken ^^ Would love to grow some real monsters but got really limited space at the moment. Topping might be the answer ofc.
  20. Cutdown

    First time grow

    Of course it decreases per plant, but what I've read if I just increase the number of plants, the yield will be the same because there's a gram/watt max yield anyway. What you're thinking about planting? Been pondering what I'll do, still got feminized Jack Herer and Ed Rosenthal x Hashplant...