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  1. eine

    newb with sex ?

    welp wifey and i pulled the 2 boys yesterday . the smallest one is a girl. lol figures. so we are letting her do her thing under the 12/12 light. i think i want to try making my own lil bubbleponic style thing. i got an idea with stuff from the dollar store. The cup sits perfectly in the jug...
  2. eine

    newb with sex ?

    ok i need tips on photography. please dont laugh. oh hell go ahead if it gets me the right answer.:dunce:
  3. eine

    newb with sex ?

    ok been on 12/12 for well over a week. posting pix for info on sex. can you guys tell now?:blsmoke: I bot a bathroom litebar from lowes, some y sockets and 8 new 23w cfls(=100w bulbs). cost about $20 so what ya think? do i got females? /me hopes thanx cowdog & eine ps: /
  4. eine

    newb with sex ?

    kk thanx for the reply! We just excited for our first attempt:clap: thanx again cowdog & eine
  5. eine

    newb with sex ?

    Wifey and I are having fun with an aerogarden we got for x-mas. Im attaching a few pix to see what the sex is. thanx for looking cowdog & eine
  6. eine

    first grow bagseed journal

    HIGH, I'm 2 1/2 wks. in, sofar so good aero garden, can u tell me wen u changed u'r lite cycle? now they are 24/7 and how bout nutrients? thanks 4 any info, u can provide 2 help a fellow