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  1. F

    My little babies!!

    Here are some pics...i dont know if they will work or not. They are day 51 and 52 i believe. Day 17 and 18 of flower. They are forming really nicely. We were left with 18 healthy, tenacious females. They are really something to behold huh? (not my plants, but cannabis in general)
  2. F

    Pics of Rubbermaid babies

    "And for the second part of your statement that the plants will split what they need that is totally wrong, plants search for the nuts and thrive on finding what they need. They will take as much as they need to survive. They do not care if the plant next to them has enough water/nuts or what...
  3. F

    My little babies!!

    Also whats everyone's thoughts on the whole thing about giving them less water towards the end to increase thc and giving them like 3 days of dark before you harvest? Is this true or something worth trying? If im not mistaken Natmoon, isnt that what you do? Give them less water and a few days of...
  4. F

    Humboldt's Growing Adventures! Up & Away!

    Do you have any pics? I hope they are doing ok
  5. F

    Pics of Rubbermaid babies

    Ladykas are you talking to me? I hope not cause ive been backing you up from the beginning. I was the ONLY one that said what you are doing is a good idea and offered helpful hints. I think they look great and i think you are going to have some awesome plants. And im with you 100 percent about...
  6. F

    HAHA watch this!!!

    Man that guy is freaking out. Ive never seen someone freak out that bad even their first time. I mean he actually said "i think we're dead". Even though this guy is a total idiot that must have been scary. Ive had some bad shroom trips and stuff so i can kinda relate to him. But weed? Wow!
  7. F

    Pics of Rubbermaid babies

    Thanks squigggs i appreciate that. Im glad i can make you laugh and mad all in the same sentence. I have powers like that :) You are a very kind and caring person. Thank you for posting! Oh, and not one time in that did i defend myself. I answered his question. He asked pros and cons and what...
  8. F

    HAHA watch this!!!

    Its stupid people like that that cause weed to be illegal. "I think we are dying" What a fucking moron.
  9. F

    For those of you on a budget...

    Because thats what flood lights are and you can tell from looking at the bulb. These are ok i guess for a budget like the guy said but if you can help it stay away from stuff like this.
  10. F

    HElp!!! i think my plants are dieing.

    haha pissing in the dark. that is kinda hard huh? all you can do is start pissing and listen for water ahahah!!!
  11. F

    Pics of Rubbermaid babies

    And the thing about watering 2 or more plants in one pot and one taking all the nutes and the others not getting any is like this.... You know if you are prescribed medicine and the doctor tells you to split a pill? How do you know that all of the medicine isnt in one half and not the other...
  12. F

    Pics of Rubbermaid babies

    The pros... By putting more than one in a pot you can have more plants in the same space allowing you to pick and choose the best ones to keep through the whole grow. I have twice as many if not more to choose from as people with the same size room as mine. Its working beautifully for me, i cant...
  13. F

    Pics of Rubbermaid babies

    You wont be able to seperate them later, they are right. You could seperate them now though. As for sexing those things its way way way!!! to early. You wont know for AT LEAST a few more weeks when it shows preflowers and even then it can be hard for a beginner. You will probably have to wait...
  14. F

    Clones in Bottles (Pics)

    Can i ask what the point of this was? That plant wasnt healthy at all. And it seems like that was alot to do for that tiny tiny little root. Sure you "kept it alive" but thats all you did. It didnt grow. I mean if you stick a cutting in a glass of water it will do that. I bet if you took a...
  15. F

    6000 lumens

    It will work but its not very good.
  16. F

    can I trust Nirvana Shop?

    Simple answer to the question is Yes, Yes you can trust them. Can you trust customs is the real question. You should ask that when ordering from ANY seed bank. Green man's Seedbank Update will keep you up to date on what sites are reliable or not. I think im going to try that wwms or whatever...
  17. F

    Humboldt's Growing Adventures! Up & Away!

    Dude, when are you going to invite us over to go skiing and snowboarding? Those things are looking fucking awesome! I love that chair looking right at them :) I too have a lay z boy looking right at my closet. People dont understnad how i can stare at plants for hours but i can. I notice...
  18. F

    My little babies!!

    Got 2 more males outta the way today! Those bastards :) And we got our veg/clone/mother box built so now we are set up for our next grow. We should be pumping out some every few weeks after this one. And they will be good strains that we actually know the names of, haha. Check back for more...
  19. F

    Sex...90% sure

    Yeah man it sucks cutting down plants even if the balls are the size of basketballs. But you just got to remember its part of it. Thats just what you ahve to do. And yes the first pic is a male (you shouldnt even have to ask about that one. Thats one of the best pics of a male ive ever seen)...
  20. F

    HElp!!! i think my plants are dieing.

    Omg dude, are you serious? You will have to give TONS AND TONS AND TONS more info. Also even with the best descriptions and info in the world it is close to IMPOSSIBLE to diagnose problems from pictures alone. Post some pics and more info and we will try.