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  1. Epicfork

    Are these going to become Nuts or Hairs?

    The top does look ratty i agree, it was a random seed i had. idk what to do with this. the top leaved came out crinkled... it was wierd
  2. Epicfork

    Are these going to become Nuts or Hairs?

    Thanks, thats what i thought. is that bulge the place where the organs will form? and this plant does not smell at all, is that a sign of a male?
  3. Epicfork

    Are these going to become Nuts or Hairs?

    I took some photos, it may be too early to tell, but an educated guess would make me feel better no matter what it is. :leaf:
  4. Epicfork

    Vertical aero racks

    G status right there
  5. Epicfork

    Bypassing power meter?

    The box will cost a years worth of power...
  6. Epicfork

    Removing New Growth

    Would it compromise anything important to just keep removing new growth to keep the main stems and instead of more and more side growths? Example. - the mainstem has 4 stems growing off of it. those 4 are producing 6 new ones, and every node after that going up has 6 at each tier. can i pinch...
  7. Epicfork

    How can i tell what stems will become colas?

    Wicked cool guys thanks!
  8. Epicfork

    Spider mite infested buds!!

    Vacuum the buds gently bro.
  9. Epicfork

    How can i tell what stems will become colas?

    Will the ends of all stems become colas and bud in flowering? Someone please help me out here. All i want is 4 colas to go into flowering. and i want to pinch off new growth this time to keep cutting to a minimum!
  10. Epicfork

    CFL Indoor Growing Questions.

    First timer here. I have done research for about 4 years on and off, talking to different growers and researching many sites and videos. I have some touch up questions to ask before I flower my plant. It is about 6 inches nice and green doing well i just need better ventilation and need to put...