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  1. yanni chingas

    New Logo For Rollitup. Org

    Excuse my noobness to the site, but is this still going?- nevermind i just read the reminder of the thread as opposed to only the first three...Oh and .moonchild does have a choice entry
  2. yanni chingas

    life up in here

    HIGH Life!!
  3. yanni chingas

    anthony and anthony

    sup anthony and anthony, i'm new on here too and i'm small time too if you will, the economy is a great reason to say why i love agriculture.
  4. yanni chingas

    Rvgrower here

    growin in an RV sounds good like meals on wheels but funner.
  5. yanni chingas

    Why Are Potheads Losers?

    @souther.Il.Buds oh man oh man, im smokin and readin your post and that shit really got me all riled up like a lil' jon track or somethin.. i can dig it man!! I lived in Cali 15 years and i never tripped on what others thought of my smoking, i'm out of the country at the moment and NOW i sense...
  6. yanni chingas

    Hello from Central Florida

    What's up SmokeMore (and everyone else) i too was lurkin around here peepin game. I aint from Florida but sure do love shmokin'!!
  7. yanni chingas

    UNofficial welcome me post

    Greetings from another planet. I'll be in here from time to time because I love greens from alfalfa to zucchini and everything in between. I proudly advocate decriminalization and the medicinal purposes of you know whom. International homegrown.... that's what's up. Drop me a line. Peace...