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  1. W

    New Aeroflo2 60 Grow! Started from the ground up! Lots of Pics!!

    "dpagano7486" thanks man, so I was thinking I'd get and that's it. Is that a good idea for these? Also Should I take out all my water out of the res and put in new water once a week or ever?
  2. W

    New Aeroflo2 60 Grow! Started from the ground up! Lots of Pics!!

    Well I just got the AF 36 system, worried about my nutes, I used to use Bloom A and Bloom B with Ginormous when I used pots and soil for my grow's. I'm worried for the salts and slime , don't want to clog the sprayer and I really don't want shit growing in my res, can someone lay out what they...
  3. W

    Bugs!! Help!! (Pictures Included)

    that aint mites, look for dots on the leafs. and how are they getting in? don't you have it sealed up?
  4. W

    How many grams per watt do you get?

    dude wtf expect a pound per light for your shit, but if its your first you got a lot of shit to worry about, if you dont have clones and are starting from a seed then fuck
  5. W

    My Super Grow Room

    sorry for the double post got ADD when i saw that quote from that ass making fun of him, anyways just wanted to say props dude im still in soil and not afriad of co2 ruining my lumens, i got 1 silver sun and 3 verticles, going to read some more stuff on this site though looks like a chill place...
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    My Super Grow Room

    depends on what you want broskie could be 8 weeks 10 days