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  1. jewgrow

    Refrigerating butane

    I have heard that refrigerating butane prior to extraction cools the butane even further. With the butane cooling further the butane travels more slowly down the tube giving the butane more time to interact with the cannabis oils. Any thoughts?
  2. jewgrow

    Chemical Reaction taking place?

    typo for fucks sake, you people on here sometimes
  3. jewgrow

    Chemical Reaction taking place?

    Hey guy, maybe I wasn't 100% clear on what I was trying to get across. What I'm trying to say is that there is a extraction taking place More specifically distillation The solute (our various cannabinoids, waxes and fats), are dissolved in our solvent (butane). From there our much more...
  4. jewgrow

    Chemical Reaction taking place?

    Well heres a run down of CHM 101.... this technically is a chemical reaction, both butane gas, and the psychoactive cannabiniods are chemicals. That is however besides the point There are two types of extractions and the one in question is called a solid phase extraction. With this type of...
  5. jewgrow

    Plant that produces most resin to make BHO with

    I understand that whatever the potency of the product that you use is going to correspond with the quality of the hash. What I am personally doing is setting up a grow specifically for edibles and concentrates. I was curious and wanted everyones opinion on what strain produces the most resin...
  6. jewgrow

    Smoking wax with a Atmos Nail vaporizer pen? How do I do it>?

    Just bought one, like playa 69er said, open heating chamber and throw that shit right in. Make sure you get you all that you can in one hit. It is a one hitter with the oil
  7. jewgrow

    Types of Vacuum Pumps & Different Questions about Purging BHO

    Ha yea thanks man, the vac does reach -29 inHg. There was some heat, just not recorded. Placed polycarbonate desiccator into pyrex and continually filled with hot but not boiling water. Then I would take out the slick pad and run it on the side of the metal pot the water was heating on and it...
  8. jewgrow

    Types of Vacuum Pumps & Different Questions about Purging BHO

    Yea, honestly I just went on amazon and was searching and there was a package deal that included a desiccator, vacuum pump, and gauge set. The pump that came with it was a mastercool 6 cfm 75 micron vacuum pump. I ran my first BHO extraction today and the results came out pretty mixed. The...
  9. jewgrow

    Types of Vacuum Pumps & Different Questions about Purging BHO

    Hey fadedawg, another question, when you do your extractions, do you put ground up flower, or do you put the whole buds, in small bits into the extraction tubes? I have about 45 grams of a mix of popcorn nugs and high quality trim in my extraction tube and have an inch and a half of space until...
  10. jewgrow

    Types of Vacuum Pumps & Different Questions about Purging BHO

    Thanks Fadedawg, you've been very helpful. I just want to make sure that I'm doing everything correctly. I know that this is a process of trial and error and I need to find my own "niche" as to how to do things, but I'm glad your pointing me in the right direction.
  11. jewgrow

    Types of Vacuum Pumps & Different Questions about Purging BHO

    The pump that I bought didn't come with any hoses, and the gauge that I bought came with some crappy plastic "T" splitters and tubing. I want to purchase the industrial tubing with the brass fittings on either side from my local hardware store. What I am curious about is, my dessicator doesn't...
  12. jewgrow

    Types of Vacuum Pumps & Different Questions about Purging BHO

    Thanks, those numbers make a lot more sense! Everything came in the mail today, and I have trim drying as we speak, so there will be some purging ahead.
  13. jewgrow

    Types of Vacuum Pumps & Different Questions about Purging BHO

    So what do you think would be an optimistic amount of high quality sugar leaves to yield me an ounce of some nice sticky wax? 180-200grams?
  14. jewgrow

    Types of Vacuum Pumps & Different Questions about Purging BHO

    I'm running a 80 gram extraction tube, and probably going to make two runs. Would you expect a predictable yield of about 32-34 grams of wax from 160 grams of high quality trim?
  15. jewgrow

    Types of Vacuum Pumps & Different Questions about Purging BHO

    I just got a 6 cfm pump for 140, not really too worried about the numbers of cfm, just more concerned with the amount of pulls I can get out of my wax. As far as butane goes, do you have any preference for brands as far as quality, vector or colibri?
  16. jewgrow

    Types of Vacuum Pumps & Different Questions about Purging BHO

    so pretty much all vacuum's will pump to ultimate vacuum, and I need to bleed the dessication chamber of pressure to get my vacuum pressure to where I want it specifically. I'm assuming that you need to take into account your specific location of sea level and determine what your specific...
  17. jewgrow

    Types of Vacuum Pumps & Different Questions about Purging BHO

    Ok, so I currently purchased a BHO extractor, and am in the process of selectively purchasing a vacuum desiccator, vacuum pump, and the gauges and hoses that are necessary to successfully purge BHO. My question to all the ganja gods out there is about the vacuum pump itself. There are many...
  18. jewgrow

    Question about mixing perscriptions and LSD

    anna nicole smith had a whole lot of shit in her system, im just taking one tab of some low strength acid, and my recommended dose of 200mg per day of topamax.
  19. jewgrow

    Question about mixing perscriptions and LSD

    weedx, what was comparable on the molecular level?