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  1. perfect climate

    first time ready for some criticism

    thanks for the ideas ill keep them in mind for sure
  2. perfect climate

    first time ready for some criticism

    Ok thanks for the suggestion i will have to change that then.
  3. perfect climate

    first time ready for some criticism

    the one with the yellow leaves is now starting to show some leaf burn a bit any ideas??
  4. perfect climate

    first time ready for some criticism

    thanks any idea why one of the plants is yellowing a bit on the the leaves?
  5. perfect climate

    switch from 12/12 to 10/14 during flowering?

    humm well i guess ill just stick with my 12/12 cant wait for the goo/lavender/train wreck strain to be done :)
  6. perfect climate

    switch from 12/12 to 10/14 during flowering?

    for sure man thanks for the input i might just have to start a late journal.
  7. perfect climate

    switch from 12/12 to 10/14 during flowering?

    i was wondering if there is any advantage to switch your plants from 12/12 to 10/14 during flowering to mimic the changing of seasons a bit more. I was hoping by doing this it would increase yield a bit more, anyone ever experemented? :eyesmoke:
  8. perfect climate

    Do I switch bulbs

    I am helping a friend with his little grow and want to know if it is a good idea to switch the blue lights with more yellow now that we are into flowering. We currently have 3 female babies that are just popin. Our lighting consists of 2 48" plant florescent bulbs, 2 48" daylightbulbs, and 2...