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  1. K

    BMO serious problems! Either a lockout or a deficiency! Too confusing to tell!

    I use just a bit of hydrated lime in my soil mix. I can't seem to find any dolomite in my area. I wonder if BMO's flower power has anything to do with it. I have spotting on some leaves that leads me to blame ph swings. I want to switch to Dyna gro as soon as I can. I will keep BMO products...
  2. K

    Organics Newbski needs help

    go for it.
  3. K

    BMO serious problems! Either a lockout or a deficiency! Too confusing to tell!

    I ph everything to 6.5ish , now I may have forgotten once. would a one time slip up bite us in the ass for weeks?
  4. K

    BMO serious problems! Either a lockout or a deficiency! Too confusing to tell!

    I am having the same problems, I use 150% strength FP and I am getting major yellowing also.