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  1. R

    First Grow-CFL- PC Grow-W/pics

    hey whats up man. i just started my first grow my self. i think that if your going to do LST you might as well just do scrog. it will produce more for you in your micro grow box. i think not sure on that but willing to bet. :lol: our plants are about same age check out my grow in my sig. and if...
  2. R

    announced apartment

    yeah i kinda realized that after i cleared my bowl:eyesmoke: plus rep just for your avatar thou man
  3. R

    first time grow micro personal cfl with scrog

    more back history for accurate grow journal. mar 10th - planted germinated seeds in soil (mg moisture control) mar 12th - sprouts above soil mar 13th - at time had 4 pc fans 2 exhaust 2 intake temps as high as 99.4 mar 15th - lvld out temps (9" 2 speed box fan from Dollar Store) - stay .7...
  4. R

    announced apartment

    hey i just received notice of a apartment inspection in 2 days, its common not worried that they are looking for a grow just maint. please look at attached pics and tell me what you would do to hide. its 11.29 am now inspection is in 2 days at 9am. so not worried about lights showing through...
  5. R

    first time grow micro personal cfl with scrog

    gidget, I just read your whole post. very informative great grow. I actually had to text my gf at college and tell her to grab those splitters for the lights, never seen them in my area. With a 9" box fan (unsure of cfm) how many more lights do you think i need in my small grow space? could i...
  6. R

    first time grow micro personal cfl with scrog

    okay thanks for the info, sorry for such a rookie mistake, will transplant tonight post pics when done. thanks
  7. R

    first time grow micro personal cfl with scrog

    11" x 8" x 21" grow space wrapped in mix of foil and chip bags, 9" 2 speed box fan exhaust, pc fan for intake, 2 6500k cfl daylights, 2x 5" self watering containers, miracle grow moisture control, bag seeds. Any comments would be appreciated.
  8. R

    new member

    how's it? I'm repossessions, live in America, spent some time with the marine corps, and started smoking while i was in Hawaii, my goal is to produce top shelf herb, for white trash people. I am interested in hearing from anyone that is not going to point me in the wrong directions, Very...