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  1. Trillium

    First grow pics

    A fan leave would most likely not be viable to form roots, you need more of a 'limb' with enough carbohydrates and auxin to clone.
  2. Trillium

    Show me what ya got????? best pic's.... get +rep...

    Here's a mix of pic from old grows, will hopefully have some new ones soon. Low Ryder#2 (Joint Doctor, pic of top bud), a random weed seed (called her Inventor, pic of flowered main stem), and a few Big Bangs (Green House Seeds, two in vegetation, one seedling)
  3. Trillium

    Overheating grow area - Advice?

    Cooltubes are usually quite effective, also if you have for ballast outside the room it helps. I think your heat issue is because you’re growing in such a well heat insulated environment the heat stores to well. A stronger fan may have a small effect to the heat but what your using is more then...
  4. Trillium

    Name That Stoner Job

    Use to scout street light (basically drive around at night and make note of any lights that are out or cycling) which made HPS bulbs very easy to get. Now I'm an electrician, most of the work is simple so I can be as high as I want, very glad I went to the trade side of being an electrician...
  5. Trillium

    Quiz:if you can figure this out you win $$$

    I agree with Rusty Crutch, although I've noticed you have the shinny side of foil around, that will reflect heat, causing burns/heat spots.
  6. Trillium

    leaves stick upward after feeding? help pls

    They may have plenty of light and nutrients and water but not adequate ventilation or air flow under the leaves. Edit, I should have noticed he meant it as part of the plants cycle as opposed to being fixed up
  7. Trillium

    Germination problems

    Green seeds are pre-mature and are not viable to germinate. Makes sure you have consistent warmth for fast germination, also pressure play a role in how fast they germinate so ideally start a few days after the new moon.
  8. Trillium

    Clones Dying...WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Let me make a more full post now, as I've not got much better to do.... First select the right part of the mother, you want young and firm shoots, 3-7mm diameter. they should be 10 to 45cm in length. As soon as you make the cutting place the end in water, because if any air getting into the...
  9. Trillium

    Clones Dying...WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    6 out of 10 is a normal for clones in my experience, some strains take better to cloning then others. I'm sure you already know to have high humidity, consistent warmth, loose and plain medium, soft lighting...
  10. Trillium

    First grow pics

    The production of calyxes would slow and then stop, it would stay in a late floral stage for some time, THC would decompose, and the plant will then go mostly brown into senescence (death). In the event that the plant begins rejuvenation, it will sprout new vegetative growth, any part of the...
  11. Trillium

    *Not looking good with pics*

    I would usually use the opposite mix, 30% perlite 70% soil, and from the lighting in the pics your soil doesn't look right, its worth buying a bag of good quality 'light mix' soil to start them in. if your worried about under/over watering them it might be worth watering them as usually but also...
  12. Trillium

    What tobacco is in your spliff?

    I've found that it creates a very different effect when smoking with tobacco, and its to do with having it combined as you can have pure weed and a cigarette/roll up without this altered effect. I would describe it as getting intoxicated as opposed to getting high with pure weed. Personally I...
  13. Trillium

    the big list of AutoFlowering strains

    Originally Posted by Skunkybud Can't forget about Mighty Mite dude I believe its the original autoflower strain. (someone correct me if I'm wrong) The true original auto-flowering' strain was discovered in 1924 by a guy named...