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  1. O

    Please, is this a Male? My fav one also....

    Oh they are very good looking plants with very tight nodes; I'm just talking about a male relative to a female of the same strain. Males, generally speaking, are faster growing, stronger plants (and stretchier) than females of the same strain and age. I'm guessing the one on the far right is...
  2. O

    Please, is this a Male? My fav one also....

    I'm pretty sure that's a male. Female pre-flowers, even at their smallest, are always teardrop shaped. From my experience, those look like the beginning of male pre-flowers to me. Still, you have a little while longer before you have to cull it. Also, the fact that it's your best looking...
  3. O

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    Long time grower, first time poster (actually a former long time poster on OG back in the day, RIP OG...). I live in Maryland and we get them here, whether they are the same species of moth/larva or not, I dunno. From my experience, the moths seem to like to lay their eggs on more Indica...