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  1. ToneDef

    Seed recommendation sought

    Look up Lowrider seeds. I think they are what you're looking for.
  2. ToneDef

    International Shipping

    DUDE! She was totally joking. Are you a f##ktard or something?? No one (sober) is going to help you do this... <sigh>
  3. ToneDef

    short term seed storage

    They will be perfectly fine, don't worry.
  4. ToneDef

    International Shipping

    Yes - It was obvious you were kidding.
  5. ToneDef

    International Shipping

    DARE... classic!
  6. ToneDef

    how big a deal is the Marc Emery extradition case to our cause?

    "As of January 14, 2008, Marc Emery has agreed to a plea bargain withU.S. authorities. The terms of the agreement are a 5-year prison termto be served in both Canadian and U.S. prisons." Emery agrees to 5 years in Canadian prison