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  1. K

    Making seeds - lightning

    Hi Is light quality important for making seeds? I have two strains that i would like to crossbreed, but i dont want to do it in flower room. Is vegitation room with timer set on 12/12 ok, or the seeds wont have the necessary quality? Cheers
  2. K


  3. K

    heelp! sudden decline in flowering - worsening cupping, yellowing, thinning, indoors

    I have same problem right now, only i have the plants outdoors. It was raining few days and after two dry days fan leaves on the plants dryed out just like yours. Have you maybe overwatered them?
  4. K

    Heavy rain, too much moisture

    Yeah, thats probably the smartest idea. To bad. They would look much better with another week or two of flowering.
  5. K

    Heavy rain, too much moisture

    Hey! I need a bit of help. I have a few plants outdoor that started flowering about 1 mont and 20 days ago. Last few days there was heavy rain and fan leaves died. Now there are practicly just buds. Should i chop immediatly? They need another week or so, but like i said, all fan leaves died and...
  6. K

    What's wrong? - Flowering week 2

    Marijuana is a strong plant. Just give her some time without stressing her and she will be fine.
  7. K

    What's wrong? - Flowering week 2

    Well, im not exactly a genius in growing... But i have problems like you before. From my experience i could say this: (post1) feeding the plants with too much nutes , (post8, 2nd picture) too much nutes, (post8, 3rd, 4th picture) feeding the plants with bad water or overwatering. I...
  8. K

    What's wrong? - Flowering week 2

    2nd picture, I would say nute burn. Feed them with water only. If you have some nute buildup, problems will continue. Also, do you store your water in some kind of container, or you use fresh water every time you feed them?
  9. K

    Growing without nutrients?

    I have two strains which i decided to grow them without any nutrients. I really dont know what to expect. I already have them in flowering stage and they look more healty then any other strain that i have grow before. Only thing that im using, is CO2. Has anyone tried growing without nutrients...
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    second try, 3 plants

    bend them. there are multiple ways to do that.
  11. K

    3 different males, 2 females

    thx for replies. looks like were all guessing. i was triing to find some kind of info on that, but i cant. will have to see on my own. personally i hope, that there will be no mix genes and there will be seeds from one and another male.
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    3 different males, 2 females

    if thats the case, i dont have a problem, but what about the genes. is it possible that they mix?
  13. K

    3 different males, 2 females

    i would like to polinate my 2 females, but i have 3 different males. does anyone have an answer or solution, how can i do this? if i polinate one female with 2 different males, will i get seeds from both males or,... any advice would be gr8, cause im days or maybe hours away from males to polinate.
  14. K

    My little White Rhino is showing some spots. Can someone help identify please?

    hm, i wouldnt worry to much. i think its not a big problem, because its quite normal if the bottom leaves die. sometimes sooner, sometimes later. i quess the experienced growers dont have that kind of problems. you will eventualy find a perfect setup for your girls and you wont have that kind of...
  15. K

    Strange Leaves

    im not experienced grower, but in my opinion youre low on nutrients or the ph is wrong. i have never seen the leaf curl down like that, but tips of your plant are brown and i have the same problem. little strange, because color of your leafs is gr8.
  16. K

    Crossing different species

    One of my favorite thing in ganja growing is to mix species. Usually i have crossed unknown varietes but now i have bought regular seeds of beladonna and feminize seeds of white widow, white rhino, a.m.s., train wreck and church. That means i will have male flower of beladona and i will cross it...
  17. K

    PlugANDGrow lamps

    Is there anybody that uses plugandgrow lamps. Recently i have bought 200w lamp for flowering. Soon i will install it to my growroom and i would apreciate any advice, especially about best position. Im wondering if its better to put it vertical or horizontal. Any other info would be also much...