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    Arjans Strawberry haze, Super lemon haze and Kings Kush. CFL & Sun grow

    iv got 3 arjans strawberries, a widow and 2 rhino growing atm. any news on yours? mine been growing 2 weeks LOL
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    Greenhouse Seed Co. So much negativity

    Im current doing white rhino, white widow and arjans strawberry haze, out of 7 seeds planted 1 has..shrivelled up or something. and it was a rhino, could also well have been my fault, there would be no need for me to try and blame that on the greenhouse. All iv noticed is the arjans are growing...
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    Damn man thats some informative shit right there, Nice girlfriend aswell lol almost as nice as the plants lol happy growing
  4. S

    Greenhouse color?

    No i dont think it does, it hasnt been introduced into mix packs yet.