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  1. I

    force flowering?

    hey, i usually buy off a few different dealers, depending what they have. anyway, so one of them gave me some spare seeds he had, and just told me to throw em down somewhere. so i put them in a potplant outside (that was a few months ago). and completely forgot about it. now its gotten pretty...
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    force flowering?

    delete please. double post accident.
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    Topics Talked About When High

    from now on; butter111's ass 8)
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    Best Sites When Stoned

    a couple of times a week I pull a few bowls then go put up a few stencils around the streets. thats always fun. sometimes a little messy if I forget gloves and a mask though.
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    Topics Talked About When High

    when I am high I ramble on. then after talking intensly with friends for 30minutes, I always end realising "wow, we are all so full of shit. hah, love it"
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    I finally ranked!

    holy shit. haha, I didnt know there were games here. sweet XD
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    I did shrooms for the first time, did you experience this?

    well things usually look distorted when they distort. XD
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    Drug test(sorry if in wrong forum)

    lol. lets hope its not a blood test.
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    first blunt.

    lol, pet as a smoking partner. its like my cat. he knows when he hears my bong pulling that he can come and get a nice long pat, cause ill be to comfortable and chilled out. not to pat him. lol
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    Gotta love Oregon....

    lol. one of my mates grows his own.
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    Tripped While Asleep?

    Just because you couldnt sleep when you had some, it doesnt mean it is impossible. shrooms hit different people differently. its as simple as that. and it could also have something to do with the type of shrooms you had.
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    Death Note

    I've already seen all of death note. it is so cool, and it sounds like you have only seen the first few episodes. well dont worry, it just gets better XD
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    Ever not get high?

    HAHA! that is so awesome. I think I might go put one away. so in like 20 years I can pull it out and spark it up. lol, it might not get me high, but it would be funny XD
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    cocaine, damnit!!!!

    coke ontop of a bowl. its called a Snow cap. and its wonderful. put it on your finest herb and after 3 or 4 bowls you'll be very comfortably numb, but your mind will still be floating.
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    Stoners' Pizza

    fuck yes. get some salami and bacon on it. and it would be heavenly XD
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    Daily rate

    I usually smoke about 15-20 days in a month. and it varies to much to work out how much I smoke those days. some times I toke all day, and sometimes I just have a few bowls before going out.
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    i understand it's the internet, but WTF?????

    lol that site is funny. I havent looked at it in agessss. Look up tattoo. and you get to see a dick turned into a dragon! rofl
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    is 8 pounds good?

    Trapper; either you are a liar. or a functioning retard and will believe anything you hear.
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    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    I'm dry. ughh, and I wont be getting on till tuesday D:
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    pot/plant ratio?? ;-))

    I really didnt understand much of what you were trying to say. hah, sorry. although, it could possibly be because I am ripped.