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  1. D

    What is the best way to set up flourescent lights in a medium sized grow box?

    I have a 22 inch wide, 18 inch deep, 28 inch tall metal cabinet that I'd like to use for my seedling / clone / early veg chamber. I'd like to install some CFL or other fluorescent lighting system. Two foot bulbs would be too large, so it looks like I'll be installing CFL's or some other sort...
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    Super Silver Haze vs. Strawberry Cough ?

    I'm debating between these two for my next indoor hydro grow. I enjoy a nice energetic happy social high, with a bit of body relaxation. Any comments on people that have tried both variates (or just one) ? Or have a recommendation for a different Sativa dominant strain?
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    Ice hash question - how dry/wet should the trim be?

    I've watched a few of the 'how-to' videos, but I'm not sure if the plant matter should be green/wet or dried out when making ice hash? Or does it matter? I thought that it probably shouldn't be to dry so that it doesn't crumble and powder and turn to 'mud' and clog up the silk screens? But...
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    5 wk of bloom, pH rising 1-2 points per day ????

    Just an FYI, I finished up about a week ago, and the roots weren't in great shape. I don't think they were in a full-on classic case of root rot, but they defintely weren't healthy. You could see some new healthy roots coming out the bottom of the pots, so I think the sick/dying old roots were...
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    Urgent Questions

    I'm about 2 weeks away from finishing up a grow (ended up with just 2 females) in an Emily's system - and let me tell you, it is way to small to really grow decent weed in! About 3-4 weeks ago my pH started going out of wack (keeps rising), and various nute problems keep showing in the plant...
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    Rusty spots of a type i've not seen before please help

    I'm having a similiar leaf spotting issue that started when my pH went out of wack. A pH problem can lock up various nutrients and give a mixed bag of apparent nutritional deficiencies. Check your pH, and once you've fixed that your plants should perk up. Some of the older growth may not...
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    You Know your Smoking on Some Good Shit when...

    I know I'm feelin it when I can visualize the sub-atomic nature of reality with the line between energy and matter blurred by wave and particle theories of physics.
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    5 wk of bloom, pH rising 1-2 points per day ????

    I'm using the FloraNova bloom, so I don't think those are organic... I increased the nutes to about 1400 this morning, and it seemed like the pH was a little more stable for a few hours. It also seems like the ladies really drank deep - the ppm was down to 950 by the afternoon, but the pH was...
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    5 wk of bloom, pH rising 1-2 points per day ????

    Here's the pics as promised...
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    5 wk of bloom, pH rising 1-2 points per day ????

    This is my first hydro, I've had a few soil grows before that returned good results. I stumbled across Emilys Garden on Amazon, and decided to give hydro a try. See attached pics ( The one pic is from approx 3 months ago (ended up with 4 males that got culled).) I ended up with 2 females that...
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    MH during first few weeks of 12/12 to minimize stretch?

    I've had a few soil grows with good results, and am on my first hydro with 6 plants. My new grow space is a little short (about 4 foot of useable plant growing height). So, I was thinking about staying with my 400 W MH bulb during the first 2-4 weeks of 12/12 flower induction to minimize...