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  1. M

    Mysterystrain Cfl

    day27 , day29 day30
  2. M

    Mysterystrain Cfl

    a little inbetveen project while waiting for some seedlings and a motherplant to grow bigger.. 1 small plant in 3.5 L pot, 30 days into flower. Seed came from a mixed bag og good, mostly indica strains. Short and bushy, extremly sweet smell/taste. Very heavy indica stone, even when...
  3. M

    Mysterystrain Cfl

    Just a little inbetveen project while waiting for some seedlings and a motherplant to grow bigger.. 1 small plant in 3.5 L pot, 30 days into flower. Seed came from a mixed bag og good, mostly indica strains. Short and bushy, extremly sweet smell/taste. Very heavy indica stone, even when...