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  1. brett7

    24 Hour light or 18/6 day/night photoperiod/

    I think 18/6 is good for the vegging state so i've heard.
  2. brett7


    I ment if it had no effect then it was probably fake idiot
  3. brett7


    I new someone who thought he was buying ecstasy but he actually bought some penicillin. So yeah they were probably not real the ones you bought.
  4. brett7

    The Best Diy Ez Walmart Carbon Filter for Micro Grows Zen Style

    Great tutorial this will save me buying one for like £200
  5. brett7

    My plants don't seem to have many leaves is that normal?

    The temperature is about 80F and I don't know about the humidity. @GreatwhiteNorth: Yes I think thats the problem, I was thinking about building a grow box and fitting some CFL's to the top how much would a couple of fittings and bulbs cost? @Rusty Crutch: I think I may invest yes
  6. brett7

    My plants don't seem to have many leaves is that normal?

    I added some new pictures. One plant has got new leaves growing which is good but the other one still looks strange.
  7. brett7

    Can't make new thread

    Oh ok thanks, yeah I searched and didn't really find anyone with the same problem I had and I didn't know you could upload photos using this site until after I uploaded them to an image hosting site.
  8. brett7

    1 Pound Skunk # 1 - outdoor.

    Its huge! sorry to hear about it getting killed
  9. brett7

    Can't make new thread

    Anyone help? this is getting patheic its been 2 days now do I need a certain amount of posts to post there or something?
  10. brett7

    hi everyone!

    thanks, but for some reason i can't post any threads which is really starting to get annoying.
  11. brett7

    For White Widow

    The place you bought your seeds should say something about how tall they grow but yeah you can just top them when you want.
  12. brett7

    Desk Grow cabinet design

    That looks great how much would it cost to build?
  13. brett7

    My Super Grow Room

    great grow room i need to set one up like that
  14. brett7

    How a Police IR helicopter functions?

    So would bording up a window with plywood stop heat escaping?
  15. brett7

    Can I drastically change my flowering times?

    Probably but I would do it a bit by day.
  16. brett7

    WhiteWidow and Crystal 10 each

    looking good how much did the white widow seeds cost?
  17. brett7

    Can't make new thread

    Yesterday I tried to make a new thread in the "marijuana plant problems" section and it told me it had to be approved by a moderator but why is it taking so long? I need help now!
  18. brett7

    My plants don't seem to have many leaves is that normal?

    Ok first of all I have just started trying to grow cannabis, I read up alot on it and read various tutorials. I have a very low budget at the moment (i am unemployed at the moment) so I'm econamising a bit. I used some compost from my gardens compost bin and use a desk lamp to provide light it's...
  19. brett7

    mephedrone (meow) - (mcat)

    They only say plant fertilizer on the website so they can't be charged with selling a drug because it would have to go through testing first etc.
  20. brett7

    Need An Estimate Of Weed Wholesale Price

    depends on what it is and the further in to big cities you go the cheaper it is mostly