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  1. OracleGreen

    How to embed Youtube videos.

    Thanks Bro! I couldnt figure it out to save my buds. QKIfMOvKC8s
  2. OracleGreen

    I touched Neil Young's Car Today!
  3. OracleGreen

    Fav Neil Young song/version?

  4. OracleGreen

    How Old is Your Mother?

    No, not the skank I woke up next to this morning. Im talking about your mother plant. Señora Maria Juanita.
  5. OracleGreen

    Texas Growers Unite!

    ATX here brothers and sisters. Live music capital of the world and home to my own strain....... Oracle Green! The deep thinkers weed of the west. Youve got to run in the old time hippie crowd to find it right now but its spreading.