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  1. J

    How Early Can You Sex Seedlings?

    Yes indeed she does... bitch is fine
  2. J

    Is this 46w CFL adequate for what i got??

    Would one 46w CFL puttin out about 2700 lumens be adequate for these three seedlings and if so for how long. i plan on gettin atleast another fl tube soon... i also plan on transplanting these seedlings into seperate pots very soon otherwise a big problem will surely arise. :weed:
  3. J

    Is it ok to have three seedlings in a 4 inch pot??

    Thank you for the advice im definately gunna do some transplantin
  4. J

    Is it ok to have three seedlings in a 4 inch pot??

    Heres a look at what im workin with. The tall one about 4 days old the other two, 2 days.
  5. J

    Is it ok to have three seedlings in a 4 inch pot??

    This is my first time growing and i have three seedlings in one pot... two of them look good but ones lookin pretty rough so im thinkin ill just pluck it. im growing in my closet right under a 46w CFL that puts out 2800 lumens... ill post a pic up asap any ideas??:bigjoint: