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  1. S

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    well 2 cfls for 4 babies is not going to get you the strength of light to grow strong enough root systems/main stem to support any amount of bud. start off with 2 babies under the cfls and use a higher wattage. by 4 weeks your little ones should have at least a foot tall and fairl bushy due to...
  2. S

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    here is my first grow at 5 weeks flowering under 4 150w cfls. great sweet tooth strain planning on buying a 250w hps light for my next grow and stay with cfl for veggg. but its looking great and growing strong around 2.5 feet tall
  3. S

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    i tried to take pictures with my phone but the quality is not good enough...ill take some pictures anyways and post em just to see if maybe you can tell what they are. it has five little petals with stamen forming in the middle...weerrrddddd
  4. S

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    i have what seems to be little flowers that you would see on a different type of plant emerging from the 2nd and 3rd nodes of the main stem. is this normal? i am almost 6 weeks into flowering and they are small but growing little by little every day...what do you guys think?
  5. S

    Advice on Lighting Please

    Only getting one ounce off a 2 and a half foot plant with a 600 watt HPS light?? must be a mainly sativa or bad strain you are using bedause i have my first grow ever under 4-5 150w red spectrum cfls and my plant will end up around 2.5 feet tall producing more than that.
  6. S

    FIRST GROW!!!! awesome sweettooth genes help me through please :)

    5 weeks into flowering...not much longer to go!
  7. S

    FIRST GROW!!!! awesome sweettooth genes help me through please :)

    few more picture of progress... buds growing rapidly all over had a little overdose of nutrients but doing great now. :leaf::leaf::leaf:
  8. S

    FIRST GROW!!!! awesome sweettooth genes help me through please :)

    thank you i just got my signs of having a female :-P very small pistils though almost microscopic. im gonna add two cfl full spectrums to the already three red spectrums i have set up to keep the plants healthy color and yet still help with the flowering
  9. S

    FIRST GROW!!!! awesome sweettooth genes help me through please :)

    here are a couple just phone pictures since my camera is at home. let me know what you think. 5 weeks in just started flowering about 5 days ago get high!:blsmoke:
  10. S

    Marijuana Plant Stresses

    you must not have the baby in a big enough container it wont grow bigger until it gets good root growth throughout its growing area...after the roots are set it to where it can hold a large plant it will literally shoot up like its on steroids. good luck!!:weed:
  11. S

    Marijuana Clones vs Marijuana Feminized Seeds

    so the seeds on my plant are feminized?? cause i have that male pollen sack on my plant and its only in one area. good post helped out a lot im gonna plant these seeds too cause i didn't use chemicals or anything of the sort
  12. S

    Mushrooms Randomly Popping Up In My Soil

    i have a white widow crossed with some type of haze from my buddy and i got three weeks left...resin ducts burst about 3 days ago but also yesterday i started noticing seeds :(((((( im guessing from moving my plant which turned it into a hemie. still fucin great genetics im ready for the harvest...
  13. S

    Marijuana Clones vs Marijuana Feminized Seeds

    by the way thank you for all your help!! :bigjoint:
  14. S

    Marijuana Clones vs Marijuana Feminized Seeds

    damn... it seems like the resin ducts just burst right before i noticed that seeds had started, its a great white widow strain hopefully the thc percent wont be reduced too much. would removing the seeds instead of letting them form help out or it doesnt really matter? and could it be possible...
  15. S

    Marijuana Clones vs Marijuana Feminized Seeds

    another question i have is will my yield decrease due to the production of seeds? and will the seeds be feminized since they just came out of no where on a female clone?
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    Marijuana Clones vs Marijuana Feminized Seeds

    thats true i didn't think of that. even though i do believe that i stressed it too much by moving it 3 times during its flowering stage, not too smart of me i think it might have went bi...
  17. S

    Marijuana Clones vs Marijuana Feminized Seeds

    i got a white widow clone from a buddy of mine and its about 5 weeks into flowering producing immature did the seeds form if i got a clone and i have no males present??
  18. S


    eyyy whats up newbie here:eyesmoke: