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  1. ManitobanGrower

    Cat Piss!

    the guy i got my bag from didnt have a name of it, but it made my whole room reek of catpiss to the point i thought the cat got locked in the room and pissed somewhere, it was only in their for half an hour... so im gonna go with the assumption that it is cat piss... its some primo shit :D dont...
  2. ManitobanGrower

    Cat Piss!

    ur a disgrace to sicken me
  3. ManitobanGrower

    Ams - Greenhouse Seed Co. -- My first grow

    i was thinkin the same thing Wylde, but it was just starting to flower and i probably would have had to harvest a week early or so due to weather...
  4. ManitobanGrower

    Ams - Greenhouse Seed Co. -- My first grow

    well i guess i kinda seen this coming, it was spotted by someone... the stem had 2 45 degree angle cuts in it and the top part of the plant was thinkin someone stole it for a clone...if thats the case, i hope they make lots of clones, and that it makes it to our market.... i still...
  5. ManitobanGrower

    Ams - Greenhouse Seed Co. -- My first grow

    people = shit... game over... better luck next year...
  6. ManitobanGrower

    Ams - Greenhouse Seed Co. -- My first grow

    thanks RDG, :D i do wish she had more vigor tho...i look forward to see what next weeks pictures bring
  7. ManitobanGrower

    Ams - Greenhouse Seed Co. -- My first grow

    pics from today august 26th not 100 percent sure but i think i might have seen some pistols forming while i was visiting.
  8. ManitobanGrower

    Ams - Greenhouse Seed Co. -- My first grow

    shes gettin close to 2 feet tall now, heres some pics from today... august 20th
  9. ManitobanGrower

    Ams - Greenhouse Seed Co. -- My first grow

    pics from aug 14th
  10. ManitobanGrower

    Ams - Greenhouse Seed Co. -- My first grow

    pics from aug 8th
  11. ManitobanGrower

    Ams - Greenhouse Seed Co. -- My first grow

    here are some pics from july 31st
  12. ManitobanGrower

    Ams - Greenhouse Seed Co. -- My first grow

    yes the coffee grounds help add some nitrogen. I dont have a slug problem, but i heard they are a great deterent for slugs aswell.
  13. ManitobanGrower

    Ams - Greenhouse Seed Co. -- My first grow

    more pictures from july 24th...still healthy, added more coffee grounds to the ground...
  14. ManitobanGrower

    Ams - Greenhouse Seed Co. -- My first grow

    pics from today july 17th the bottom leaves look like they had a visitor from a rabbit
  15. ManitobanGrower

    Ams - Greenhouse Seed Co. -- My first grow

    heres a few pics from today (july 13th) i also added some coffee grounds and cut up banana peel to the ground around it after i took the pictures.
  16. ManitobanGrower

    Ams - Greenhouse Seed Co. -- My first grow

    heres some pics from today(july 10th), not much different from the ones from the 7th, but if u look close u can see some growth.
  17. ManitobanGrower

    My outdoor so obvious its not obvious grow

    2 weeks from now i get great white shark, blz bud, violator kush, sogouda. not bad eh anyone have experience or smoked these stains? ive smoked alot of great white shark, she smokes beautifully with a nice taste, dense buds, only problem i found was after a few months of smoking only that, my...
  18. ManitobanGrower

    There is a white film on my leaves!! What is it?

    yeah id definately say powdery mildew, get yourself some neem oil to treat it
  19. ManitobanGrower

    name that deficiency w/ pics

    cant name the problem but i noticed some leaves are curling, you might wanna check ur temp of the room and make sure its between 70-80 degrees for optimum growth.
  20. ManitobanGrower

    Ams - Greenhouse Seed Co. -- My first grow

    to be honest im not really planning on harvesting anything, if i can its a bonus, i just planted this as a learning experience for myself...thought id post my results :)