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  1. M

    I cant stop the smell

    visit the HID hut online and purchase the vaportronic unit $36 and some disks. the odor will no longer be a problem.
  2. M

    Is it ready to harvest?

    Thanks for all the help. Will definitely try using my camera to check the trichromes. And I may invest in a scope later.
  3. M

    Is it ready to harvest?

    I have no idea what strain it is, just one of my bagseeeds. But today I noticed the leaves on the cola are turning a purple color.
  4. M

    Is it ready to harvest?

    no I don't have a microscope, but I started flushing about 10 days ago. thank you guys for all the help. I will wait another week or so.
  5. M

    Is it ready to harvest?

    This is my first grow. One plant in miracle grow potting soil on my patio. this bagseed was planted the last week of July and this is the 9th week of flowering. I took these pictures this am with my phone. Can someone tell me if its time to harvest? Any and all help is appreciated. Thanks for...
  6. M

    thank you, as a newbie to growing all i can say is WOW!!! what an awesome grower you are.

    thank you, as a newbie to growing all i can say is WOW!!! what an awesome grower you are.